Pangloss wrote:Exactly. This mindset of political correctness, or of "excessive democracy" and accepting all views as being right and good, ultimately, is a path to anarchy. We want and need laws and order in our society, and we should respect certain boundaries. We should be working towards finding the most just type of order; this order does not include giving up and simply accepting everything. That is no order at all.
It is so refreshing to witness the ability many of you have at discussing those "issues" that fall within any moral or ethical guideline deemed "controversial". In the case of some, it is as if it has become a stick of dynamite and it takes a very gifted individual to "tiptoe" in those waters so as not to "offend" anyone.
Yet even then reaching any dialog that civilly addresses those moral, religious and ethnic belief's and behaviors has been shelved simply because we have taken civil liberties to include any and everything.
What concerns me, is where will this eventually lead as we become more and more inured and totally lose sight of morality in all strata. If something is deadly, savage, decadent, dehumanizing and outright disgusting, how do we skirt around that using language that has desensitized it to the point any dialog comes off bigoted, intolerant and hateful. At some point lines must be drawn.
I agree some societies and cultures are not capable of understanding any different and only patience and time will allow those to progress at their own pace. To attempt to reach "quick" solutions in those cases will surely involve creating more division and exacerbate the natural growth and creating a greater problem. In those cases that do not involve dealing with a primitive belief system is another matter, IMO.
To me it comes down to those "civil liberties" that are antagonistic and deterrents to life and the enhancement of that life. Any carte blanc standard to protect "those civil liberties", should be overridden for obvious reasons and addressed. In those cultures where there are rituals and belief's that are primitive and can be painful yet are not in anyway a deterrent to life itself are not a problem except in the minds of those who are alien to such rituals. Those will, IMO, will subside over time if allowed to by gradually offering alternative and understandable reasons why those alternatives would be "better". However in those particular situations where those belief's, cultures, behavior's, custom's threaten the very lives of innocent human beings, serious attention must be given.
I am a stern advocate for the right's of minorities, unless those minorities represent the apple that threatens the entire barrel. To ambivalently stand by and do nothing is by far the worst thing we can do simply because we are afraid of "hurting someone's feelings".
I would like to believe we are of the same stuff and a definition of a moral code, if it can be defined in such a way so it could be accepted by all, would be a good thing rather than just shelving any sense of morality all together to satisfy the mores of a few. There must be guidelines that will determine what belief's and behaviors are true detriments to the whole barrel and all measures must be taken to render those harmless to the barrel or we all lose. This, to me, is a no brainer.
For what it is worth. I do enjoy observing enriching dialog and you guys are really good at it. I have a tendency to "blurt" and believe me, I would rather not. I would like to think I am getting better. Thanks to observing your ability to do so is helping me tremendously. Thanks,