@Ennui phil,
If we terminate the advancement of education, we in essence own to the fact that talking on philosophy forum is meaningless. After all, philosophy is based on education. If we sit here and talk about stalling education, we would, for instance, be talking about some developed study over and over again. Ironically, even at the point of that particular stall, that very point that we stop at is the result of a progress in education.
Seeing as though you are from Singapore, I can understand where you are coming from. Asian schooling is
a lot tougher on the common student than western schools. I remember reading a while ago about some kid in Japan committing suicide because of the stress of middle school entrance exams. Middle school!!!! But those who are in Asian schooling systems definitely see the results. I had a lab partner in my university chem. 101 from India who had taken organic chemistry in high school. Organic chemistry is the primary thing you need to know in order take MCAT and DAT. Its harsh, but man will you be a competitive powerhouse if you survive that curricula.
Ennui wrote:Schools and education these days are berserk for subjects,especially Mathematics.Mathematics by far is the most abstruse subject in the world,for the candidate needs to take the brunt of memorizing lots of solutions.
But exams and quizzes are, and I am surprised I am saying this, necessary. They force the student to keep up with the work. The frequency and difficulty of those tests and quizzes is debatable, but the necessity is there.
As to your comment;
Ennui wrote:Tell the president,the government,the teachers to terminate the advancement of education.We will die when the education becomes more perplex,and we would not die if the education is maintain for years,to reach a legitimate standard,not an unmeaningful standard.
The west went through a period like that before. It was called the dark age.