Hey Guys I have just entered thee debate.My grandson a psychology major one of his papers was related to Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dhama. He came to the conclusion that Bundy was evil but Dhama was mentally deranged. I have read accounts of the lives of these two people and I cant agree.
Neither were abused as children and seems to that both were intrinsically evil and enjoyed their depravity
On sentencing Dhama when asked by the Judge why he did what he did, he said it was evil and he hoped the Lord Jesus forgives him. I hope that he did not
Monsters in human flesh like these two just defy logic defy or comprehension by normal people , evil the worst beast in the field does not do this type of horror
Psychopaths like these entities, they lost the right to be called human, who eat human flesh and perform sexual acts on the decaying rotting bodies of their innocent victims deserve to burn in hell forever
Do these entities have souls , I think not?