having read all of the comments so far i think i can help out somewhat...
There is a fairly recent animated series out there by the name of "serial experiment lain" written by a Chinese philosopher (his name escapes me at the moment). the setting is in the near future about a year after "the wired" is created. the wired is, in theory, the next step along the Internet, it is essentualy a "virtual Internet". the story starts out basically then the protagonists friend starts a wave of people "leaving there physical bodies" and supposedly appearing on the wired. then the story turns into a series of "philosophic monologue's" about how the barrier between the physical world and the wired is slowly deteriorating. The fallowing is direct copy of one of the monolouges that relates the this discussion...
"the earth, while orbiting the sun has its own specific electromagnetic waves between the ionosphere and the earths surface there is a constant resonance at a frequency of 8Hz in the ELF band range of frequencies this is called the Schumann resonance However the extent of the effect on humans of these "earth brain waves" that the planet gives of is impossible to quantify and remains a mystery. the human population of the earth is closely approaching that of the number of neurons in the brain. Douglas Rushcoff proposes that the consciousness of the earth its-self might be awakened when all humans on earth become collectively networked and resonate at the same frequency the evolution of the network would follow a neural model path, and just as the neurons in the brain are connected by synapses, the earth its self would become a single neural network... Masami Eiri, chief researcher at tachiban general labs, further developed the hypothesis of a world-wide neural network. His hypothesis proposed a wireless network whereby all humanity would be plugged in at an unconscious level without need of any device..."
so it is theoretically possible that mankind could form a collective whole wherein everyone would be connected in a physically virtual interface without the need of programmers, we would essentualy be self-evolving programs in a network. everyone of us would be an essentualy program executable for a specific goal...
in the series there is also a "god" of the wired who supposedly abandoned his physical body to control the wired. he has no influence on the physical world but is fully capable of modifying the wired. in essence his is the administrator for the wired. if our history were to in the near future produce a network "the wired" and then have the barrier between the wired and the physical world disappointed the only influential person "god"
would in theory retain his powers int the new collective whole and be able to essential with his abilities persuade people to follow his way. in essence in that situation he would be god, but thats a discussion for another forum...
as far as if the brain is comparable with computers there was a neurologist who implanted a chip in his brain that allowed him access to the Internet there is also a new piece of technology out there that synchronizes you brain waves to the computer allowing you to move type with your thoughts and not a keyboard (there is a 1 to 2 year learning curve).
...more to fallow sorry had to cut off