Stormalv wrote:Yeah, what is madness anyway?
Personal View:
Madness in my words would simply be described as a living being who has gone far out of the ring from a society in terms of point-of-view. If the society in majority has agreed that something rational such as two plus two is four, but the being who has decided that two plus two is not four, but indeed it is twenty-three. Therefore the being's views or thoughts on that particular would be declared "mad" or "insane", and most likely all of this being's ideas would be put into the trash pile labeled "Madness". Once such a thing has been decided, the being would be possibly declared "insane" itself. This does not only work for ideas, but can be put into other situations such as ethics. Some situations it does not fit, which you can read below.
Of course if you were to apply such a definition of this word into any topic such as religion, then whichever religion has the most people on their side the rest of us would be labeled mad, but that is not how my definition goes. Topics such as religion to me are just a beings idea who has decided to use this theory to help them give themselves will so that they are constantly under pressure to do the right thing, and if they do the wrong thing then they will be punished; which is the beings driving force. For those that do not wish to have religion probably just wish to be categorized individually, wish to stand out, have their own moral views, refuse to believe in something that cannot one-hundred percent be proven, do not wish to believe in something that they did not come up with, etc; there are many possible reasons.
Global/Society View:
I obviously cannot describe the view of this word by every being in the world simply due to the fact that I am not a supreme being that knows every being's point of view on the definition. Feel free to survey everyone though, maybe that will get you somewhere.