hi bright noon
yeh the venus project does seem hopelessly utopian to me. Though it should be recognised that to see it that way is itself a rather damning view of humanity..... like most utopias. Therein is the clue i think.
I agree with your comment re management. It resembles communism in this respect. Lovely idea until you hand it over the beaurocracy. Power corrupts.
Those who would defend the VP would say that through collective ownership and resources for all, then what would be the point of corruption? Well the age old potential evils in humanity remain obviously intact and the VP system looks ripe as a cherry and just as vulnerable. ie Sex and status.
Who gets the gorgeous girls? Its that simple. By what criterion would a female choose the best mate? How would a male remain satisfactory in a resource for all economically status free society? Rock stars and athletes presumably. The most appealing creatively and the most appealing physically........ both coupled with the new overiding status. Overiding the old financial success and raw power as status that is.
Now i ask, what is a status seeking short assed knuckle head to do in such an environment?
In fact it is with regard to status that we can see capitalist democracy in a revealing way. Namely, (and amongst other things) capitalist democracy is by far the most status proliferating social system there has ever been on this earth. Think about it. Status of mind boggling variety and degree exists everywhere in the west. Most of course are directly reducible to income and power, but nevertheless there is a
Kaleidoscope of status forms in the west. Look how job titles have changed over the past twenty years (if you are old enough
) Everybody is a manager of something now. We may laugh at it ..... but it works.
Could the VP mimick that? Well not if there are no meaningful jobs. And even if fake 'job' titles were created, surely we would need them to be tied to something socially substantial for such status to be convincing?
No power over others? No money? ..... they may be the root of all evil but for many they are also the root of social identity.
Beautiful hot free sex without the need for beauty or any other status? Sounds too good to be true to me. I don't think men and women generally work that way.