... a few comments if I may:
I've always liked McCain and have watched him for a long, long time - as a senator (and fellow vet) from my birth-state. Truth be told, although I think this country
needed the change that the obama camp represented, I wouldn't have lamented a single sigh, had he been elected. Further, I got the impression - throughout the campain - as he stumbled through it, the this was a man that struck me as almost "above the sillyness" that tends to epitomize our political infighting (so much so, that he "wasn't very good at it). Good guy - without a doubt.
Revolutional potential: Sure, always a potential. But the people of the united states, as a whole I think; we need
an awful lot to spur us to such drastic measures. It's like a sleeping monstor that's hard to awaken. Like all people, insomuch as we have the "things" we need and want, we're relatively docile.
U.S. Military in a Revolution-scenario: In my experience, the people in our armed forces extole
so much more their people than their government. It's very difficult for me to imagine any likely scenario where citizens are attacked, without massive numbers abandoning their posts and turning-coat. Even in my most militaristic, dedicated and gung-ho phases would I have ever obeyed any such order.
The republican party will be viable; sooner or later (more likely sooner). I disagree with fundemental republican ideology (steriotypical) more often than not; but that's not to say that I see it as useless or unnecessary (quite the contrary). Although a good number of good people have disagreed, I think that in this too (party-in-power) there needs to be offset and balance over time.