A few simple questions to ask yourself which should lead you to an answer. They are designed to be YES or NO.
1) Can something either BE or NOT BE a sentance?
2) Is "Is this a question?" a sentance?
3) Can a sentance either BE or NOT BE a question?
4) Is "Is this a question?" a question?
5) Does it invite a direct response?
If YES to all then it couldn't possibly be anything but a question.
After determining it is infact a sentance (verb, noun etc...) you need to determine the nature of sentance it is.
It is inviting a response, has a question mark and has a subject (namely its self), so I argue that it is a question. In which case I would simply answer "yes". If you disagree with me then you will find your only option is to respond with "no", in which case you are by default acknologing it as a question and treating it like one by answering. And as it either
is a question or it
isn't a question, and claiming it to not be a question would be none sensical then your only option is to accept it as a question.
However, as it
is its own content then I argue is just a meaningless sentance.