Main Entry: 1time [URL="javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?time0001.wav=time')"]
[/URL] Pronunciation: \ˈtīm\ Function:
noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English
tīma; akin to Old Norse
tīmi time, Old English
tīd - more at
tide Date: before 12th century 1 a
: the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues
: duration b
: a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future c
: leisure <
time for reading>2
: the point or period when something occurs
: occasion3 a
: an appointed, fixed, or customary moment or hour for something to happen, begin, or end <arrived ahead of
time> b
: an opportune or suitable moment <decided it was
time to retire> -often used in the phrase
about time<about
time for a change>4 a
: a historical period
: age b
: a division of geologic chronology c
: conditions at present or at some specified period -usually used in plural <
times are hard><move with the
times> d
: the present time <issues of the
time>5 a
: lifetime b
: a period of apprenticeship c
: a term of military service d
: a prison sentence6
: season <very hot for this
time of year>7 a
: rate of speed
: tempo b
: the grouping of the beats of music
: rhythm8 a
: a moment, hour, day, or year as indicated by a clock or calendar <what
time is it> b
: any of various systems (as sidereal or solar) of reckoning time9 a
: one of a series of recurring instances or repeated actions <you've been told many
times> b
plural (1)
: added or accumulated quantities or instances <five
times greater> (2)
: equal fractional parts of which an indicated number equal a comparatively greater quantity <seven
times smaller> <three
times closer> c
: turn <three
times at bat>10
: finite as contrasted with infinite duration11
: a person's experience during a specified period or on a particular occasion <a good
time> <a hard
time>12 a
: the hours or days required to be occupied by one's work <make up
time> <on company
time> b
: an hourly pay rate <straight
time> c
: wages paid at discharge or resignation <pick up your
time and get out>13 a
: the playing time of a game b
: time-out 114
: a period during which something is used or available for use <computer
time[/URL] Pronunciation: \i-ˈtər-nəl\ Function:
adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin
aeternalis, from Latin
aeternus eternal, from
aevum age, eternity - more at
aye Date: 14th century 1 a
: having infinite duration
: everlasting <
eternal damnation> b
: of or relating to
eternity c
: characterized by abiding fellowship with God <good teacher, what must I do to inherit
eternal life? - Mark 10:17(Revised Standard Version)>2 a
: continued without intermission
: perpetual <an
eternal flame> b
: seemingly endless <
eternal delays>3
archaic : infernal <some
eternal: valid or existing at all times
: timeless <
eternal verities>
It seems that eternal is a product of bidirectional induction with respect to time. Time, looking foreward and backward with no end is eternity.