OntheWindowStand, your logic is quite tortured. When life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are tangential to the state taking life then aren't these freedoms degraded? We have had this capital punishment debate in Canada for more than half a century and have watched our murder rate steadily decline in the wake of abolition. The lesson, as confirmed in other states, is that capital punishment does nothing to deter murder.
Many of your own states are now finding that the expense of the legal process associated with death penalty cases far exceeds the incarceration costs of life imprisonment. That, coupled with the astonishing rate of wrongful convictions (demonstrated when DNA testing became common) show that the criminal justice system is much too flawed to allow executions.
The DNA experience has shown how unreliable and dangerously misleading both circumstantial and eye-witness evidence can prove to be. Yet people continue to be convicted on the strength of this evidence every day.
Take a look at the gaggle of awful states that still embrace capital punishment and contrast that with the list of advanced states (the kind you might actually be willing to live in) all of which have rejected it and draw your own conclusions.