"Oy! I thought you said he was a get-away driver!"
Not "What's Up, Doc?"
Released in last five years.
2nd quote from same movie---
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible ****... me!
3rd quote from the same movie
It turns out that the sweet-talking, tattoo-sporting Pikey was a Gypsy bare-knuckle boxing champion, which makes him harder than a coffin nail. Right now, that's the last thing on Tommy's mind. If Gorgeous doesn't wake up in the next few minutes, Tommy knows he'll be buried with him. Why would the Gypsies want to go with the trouble explaining why a man died in their campsite? Not when they could just bury the pair of them and just move camp. It's not like they got social security numbers, is it? Tommy the Tit is praying. And, if he isn't, he fu**ing should be.
Thank goodness! I thought I would have to start role-playing the characters.
Your turn, mac11!
"If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game-show host."
ACK! This is familiar.
" She has to be packed and ready to leave by seven thirty tomorrow morning. Knowing that lot, they'll still be dressing her at eight. "
Guarding Tess?
Gosford Park?
By Jove, I think Mr. Wizard's got it!
"I let the hubbub of earthly commerce erode my character, and dissolve my better self."