Yes to Michael - your turn, hiama.
" Some places, not all. Italy, for instance, they're serious about their food. But try bloody Britain, anywhere in the U.K., you don't get much fancier than a deep-fried bar egg. Food's not our thing, you see. "
When a man's partner is killed, he's supposed to do something about it. It doesn't make any difference what you thought of him, he was your partner, and you're supposed to do something about it."
Sounds like "The Maltese Falcon".
But not.Hmmm,more like a modern cop film.It´s a bit of a cliché though.Dang.
Hi Hebba. You are absolutely correct.

It is The Maltese Falcon.
Good to see you again. Your turn.
"Gobi,we´ve got ourselves a regular Ben-Hur here.Doing 95 minimum."
well that´s good snood but not what I´m after here.
Indeedy mac.I tried to type it with a mouth full o´ backa.
What exactly do you mean "not what you're after"? Not arcane or artsy enough of a movie for you? What?
that was a quote from Apollo 13, for the record.
Snood,you don´t appear to understand the thread.
Thanks snood, I was trying to place the flu quote. Hebba was looking for the film for his quote about Ben-Hur.
"This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again."
OK, since I don't have one at the ready, I'm going to give Snood a chance. Snood, since I answered correctly, I am now in control of the thread. I'm going to let you take my turn and post a quote, but only if you post in the next hour. After that it comes back to me.