....Well, lets try this one, I see no one has answered the other.
"......a man can never out do a woman when it comes to love and revenge."
Max: The second one is The War of the Roses, but what is the first one?

Mornin Raggedy! They are both from The War of the Roses. The first is my favorite. Turner is in this monster of a truck, loaded with everything including a mic. Douglas is in a tiny little car, and as she is about to run over his car, she says in the mic ...get out of the car hun....I love that scene. Your turn!

I forgot all about that scene.
New Quote: Easy.
"Uncle Fred said the Bolero was the most descriptive sex music ever written, and he proved it."
.........."We all have our little faults. Mine's in California". :wink:
"But remember, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile."
Batman is correct. It's your turn, Hiama.
Sorry, work has been absolutely hectic, plus I am ooked on yahoo word racer after macsm11 mentioned it on one of the threads, its addictive-I see my therapist twice a week-he can't do anything for me. No matter what he does I'm still stuck on less than 1500 !
Ok here it is , now pay attention wh said this and from which film ?
" Naw, I already found out. The only thing he doesn't like about being in charge is making decisions. "
Tony Blair speaking of George W Bush in Gluf War II
Seriously - isnt this a line from M*A*S*H* ?
Gautam, give a guy a chance !
Correct- you star, its your go-loved the movie and the series wasn't bad either
This one shud be a toughie I think
"Wait a minute, Wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet"
Al Jolson speaking the first lines in the first talkie, The Jazz Singer.
hiama - Yahoo Word Racer is mentioned in my profile. I don't think anyone has every brought it up here. I've been playing for a couple of years now - it's a terribly addictive game. My yahoo name is pplaid11 - look for me in Intermediate Room 1 - evenings and weekends. I can't get to it from work or I'd probably be there now!
You got it mate !!
Hi all. This one's a fun one:
"How could this happen? I was so careful. I picked the wrong play, the wrong director, the wrong cast. Where did I go right?"