Hi. I haven't been getting these posts via email. <sigh>
What's the quote? "Maybe you don't know what you mean"?
Correct -- should always put it in quotes so it doesn't get lost in the chat!
Yes, Babs, it's as easy as entering the quote into Google and more often than not, it'll pick it up out of a review, a film history, et al.
IMDB also will search. That's why I try the quotes out at both searches to use it. Of course, it tests out someone's ability to research 'cause unless there's some telling words in the quote, nobody could remember all of them. The same for the "something in common" thread. Both need one to be quick on the draw whether you know the quote or not.
Lightwizard: Haven't a clue, can you give one?
Haven't reached three guesses and I did screen this quote even though it is from a very important scene from a four star movie -- that's good enough for now?
The Godfather? Schindler's List? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? (just throwing out some "four star movie"s...
I'm thinking "Taxi Driver".
(I can see De Niro saying this)
Not the right answers but Jerry is warm.
Jeezo, was i off!
Just had to go read the screenplay,..
It was "Raging Bull",...(knew it was him!!)
De Niro to Pesci.
You read the entire screenplay? Yikes!
That was a pivotal scene where La Motta is adjusting the TV set and begins accusing Joey of cheating with Vickie. His meaning drops the temperature in the room down to zero.
I scanned through it, the Evelyn Wood way,..I knew the scene.
"I'll take this pack of Pampers and whatever you got in the register."
Love the movie!!!
All yours Raggedyaggie!!!
I did, too, Jerry.
"The old man was right, only the farmers won. We lost. We'll always lose."
Magnifique, Wizard.

Would someone explain to this

what the Evelyn Wood way means?
"Are you a mod or a rocker?"