Part of a poem I wrote in my head once, about a time in the not too distant future when we run out of fuel, even nuclear fuel, and have to live under ground for protection from radiation, and have to face a long night for humanity in the dark...
As is said: How to define wise...Well how does a society define wise use of any resource when it generally demeans wisdom and forethought in any activity and raises anti-reason on a pedistal...Look at how much of lives and politics is given to faith??? Look at how we consider government control in banks even after handing billions to the banks...We refuse the rational, that is, the responsible control of our economy, and so let the economy control our lives without defense... You know, even if you accept that people are emotional, faithful, antirational, and irrational; that is no good reason why people should not in their public and social lives be governed by reason...Our society denies time... What rational people denies cause and effect working through time...We feel blessed so we need not fear consequences??? We know we will die so we need not fear for the next generation and protect them from our stupidity??? No...Only this moment exists...If you have it prove it by using it...If you got it flaunt it...If you got it waste it... Our history should make a philosopher of every person, because we must surrender our whole existence to the magic of the market place, or seek a new day for reason...