Sat 8 Nov, 2003 08:18 pm
I like haikus. The thing is, certain haikus really lose the obvious meaning without explanation. Certain haikus are much more literal and easier to digest, but many, many are abstract, the meaning is only understood after the writer's humbled explanation. It's like some visual art creations; the meaning is there and sometimes that meaning can be magnificent, but it's only there for you if you understand it is there, you have to note the parrallels and feel the meaning to get the emotion, and feel the emotion to get the art.
Now you type back.
This is a haiku:
Blue is for grass,
Heavy is for Metal,
But where is the monkey at????
I would respond in
earnest, but I fear I would
be misunderstood.
in underwear I,
type in the mornings first glow
pathetic or what?
Here is a link you might find interesting:
haiku tutorial
OHHH Its about sensations so Ill change mine
In underwear I
type in the mornings first light.
Why is chair so cold?
Her chilled fingers clasp a cool cup of tea.
The fire is out.
Light it, please.
Nice Piffka.
Through my window screen
The full moon sleeps in a tree
My sweet tea grows cold
Farmerman, I just read both of yours.... very funny.
Here's one for NNY...
The moon eclipses tonight.
So, what?
Old Man was buried.
He was the best.
My humbled explanation... a very specific moment yesterday when we buried our cat; his nickname was "Old Man."
share with tiger
night of greatest hunger
limp on white bone
youve bought cheap printer
thus you learn of market trick
all profit's on ink
Laughing dog runs
Straight to the stream edge.
Dead leaves smell of mold.
Daddy has a Harbor Seal
In many ways like you
But it cannot count the syllables
So it doesn't write haiku.
seal poet, friend
Haiku tutorial
At odds for rules
winter of snow
summer of bright sun
run in my boots
Oh, it stinks, does it? Well, let me try again:
Moment a squirrel
Rocks in the garden
My mind's confused.
Another dud. I 'll give it another try:
Still quiet lake
Sky a blue clear dome
Duck flying home
Still a stinker. Well:
Stalk in the wind
River deep and swift
Still is the mind
Ah, here is the place for my morning haiku. Good place to bury them!
Trudging along the wet pavements,
Treading the dead leaves