Phosphorous;56414 wrote:Medically, the drive to control and the willingness to submit has nothing to do with gender. More to do with a million host of factors that require careful testing and analysis. To simplify the two drives to something simple like gender is idiotic.
And then there's the fact that he gives no explanation for how gender determines these two drives.
In all of the lifeforms that evolution has evolved, only humans put a weaker and stronger, intellectual and not so, master and servant, aspect to gender identification.
If we disregard the body size and muscle mass distribution the female of the species has the same capabilities and ability to action outcomes as the males. The thread subject is about social imperatives, not some inate master/ subseviant psychosis that dwells within the confines of our male and female consciousness'.
There is no pre determined psychological roles assigned to males and females, social modification is the driver to the hunter gatherer ranking that has manifested itself as the primary social grace in all civilizations. As in dancing the male leads and the female follows, and so it should be as two combative characters do not assure a positive evolutionary outcome in creatures that practice monogamy. Evolution has eqipped men and women to suit the evolved role, but consider that our ancestor females were like all female animals, as capable of surving without the male (except for procreation) as the male was without the female.
---------- Post added 08-16-2009 at 03:25 PM ----------
salima;83439 wrote:"Will is the manner of men, willingness the manner of women".
to me this is not about men and women but about masculine and feminine aspects of human nature. the male manner (which i take to mean attitude, behavior, strategy) is that of will-action, while the female manner is that of willing-response. a proper response can be every bit as effective as any act.
Well said, If females had the psychological profile of men there would be no living with them, and there would be no sex. Our mate must be compliant for the sake of the species. It is a role they fulfill, it is a social imperative that we males have fostered for our sanity.
An analogy to our patriarchal society's designation of females is Hitlers Germany. He indoctrinated the population by de humanising the scapegoat as inferior, but the motive was the fear of the capabilities of the jewish inteligencia and the economic control jews exerted internationally.
We designate females as the weaker sex, this culturally imbibes the female from cognition to see two distinct roles, differentiated by gender. We need the female to be subserviant, but understand that without us she will survive, she has the capability of being as autonomous as us. We know she is an equal but we need her to be subserviant, so we designate a role and limitations on capacity. As you succinctly put "an act of will".