Well yes I will do my best to clarify, it is not a new understanding, the Upanishads deal with it somewhere, calling it I beleive the wisdom sheafs of the body. My own understaning is base on the idea that the brain/mind is a secondary organ in serves to the community of the body. It is apparent that one can still be alive with just the brain stem functioning, some organisms just have a bunch of ganglia, while still other organisms have no apparent brain whatsoever.
Just think of the things the body knows, knows what to do, digestion, the chemistry involved in digesting your meal, if you had to know it, you in all likelyhood would starve to death. The body is conscious, your skin is one large sensing organ. When something comes in contact with your body a message is sent to brain, and that message I believe is an instruction, at the very least information. No the mind did not create the body, the body created the mind, and it did so for the reason of pure utility. The fact the most of the population do not understand this, almost assures that they will violate their own natures.
Schopenhauer touches upon this, the body as consciousness and our loss of consciousness by degree as we grow older. The senses become duller, hearing, eyesight ect, how can one doubt that the dulling of the senses, or even their loss, is a loss of consciousness? At one point he even points out that as you age and lose the ability to run, this too, is a loss of consciousness.
If you lose sensory perception, is this not losing consciousness, it is a matter of degree, but that is what old age is, leaving by degree, consciousness is waning. Well, if it is necessary to clearify further I shall have to think about it some more. I hope I have made my point but it would not be the first time that I did not sucessfully done so.