@Didymos Thomas,
Inequality is certainly NOT evening out, and it certainly can't. There are too many other social ills at work. In our little examples in America of places that have tried to hurry the process, City and State governments are bankrupt.
There are things that can be done to hasten the process and still maintain economic validity. Check these guys:
Illumination: the Secret Religion - The Plot to Kill God I've been reading that site since I found it, about a month ago. Every week or so, they add another page, linked at the bottom of the list on the left. Very interesting on that site is the link to "Meritocracy", where they discuss "The Greed Virus". Of course, that is exactly the biggest barrier to equality. They have posted a web site about their "Meritocracy Party":
The Meritocracy Party - Introduction which promotes some interesting ideas about meritocracy and equality.
The jury is still out, IMO, as to whether or not these guys are really the Illuminati, and whether or not I fully agree with everything they say. I was a lot more enthusiastic about them at first. Now it seems to me that they concentrate very heavily on the temporal order/plane, and very little on the spiritual, although they do assert that reincarnation is a fact.
Back on the main site; the latest post is about "God":
Illumination: the Secret Religion - God -a very compelling read.