Let's look a little closer at the Al Qaeda example.
You and I seem to agree that their ideology, though certainly not their methods, has some good in it. If that's so, then to some degree, as you put it, reconciliation is needed from both sides. I agree. But then you seem to say that, under such circumstances and to that same degree, neither side (a) shows any altruism or (b) is capable of reconciliation.
I submit that both sides show some altruism, though certainly not for one another. Sacrificing one's life, even to attain Paradise, is somewhat altruistic. And, for an example of reconciliation between extremists, look no further than the current brouhaha in Congress over the credit crisis.
We seem to have slid past any real mutual understanding on this subject of extremism. But at least we can probably agree that if you have an extreme view you should constantly test its validity. The liberals should watch Fox TV, the conservatives should watch CNN, and both should watch CSPN. so to speak.
Good luck!