My physics teacher is cool too, and we really do quite a bit of work in physics, and I've scanned the grade twelve textbook, and I found we get to learn about the dual slit experiment and wave-particle duality, now finally something. I hate kinematics and dynamics, personally, and that was basically the whole grade eleven physics course. We briefly touched on magnetism.
Chemistry had some stoichiometry, its not like we didn't get into some good math. We did limiting reactants, mol conversions (the course was principled upon the concept of the 'mole'), and 3 days of organic chemistry, it was nomenclature of hydrocarbons, but we stuck to alkanes, so not really an appropriate intro. Now I can name hydrocarbons, ethers, carboxylic acids, ketones, etc. ( I taught meself at the start of summer break ). The textbook was better at explaining than the teacher in the nomenclature. (There can be some pretty complex molecules as Aedes would probably know).
Biology was all about the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum, the lysosomes, etc, all of which we did briefly in grade eight. There was some Mendel, along with punnett squares. We only had two variable punnett squares though (I'm assuming you can have dozens). And we did darwin, we were taught that darwins theory was correct, and I asked the teacher is the theory correct in grade twelve? And he says no not really. Ticks me off!!
As for our school, well, its nicknamed the pharmacy

. Otherwise I don't really know how good our school is rated.
What I can't wait for is the peer tutoring class and world issues class. And I'm still considering the writer's craft. I would have only too good of creative writing to submit compared to the laime stuff that is generally done throughout.
Its the fact that there are no lessons in english class after grade 10. And all lessons in grade 9, 10 are geared to 'how to write
formal essays'. It's all about preparation for university, never about real writing. Also, what about real books?
Did you have to read Lord of the Flies? Stupid book with little analysis to give. Don't know why its in the curriculum still. 1984 was good so I can't complain though.