Philosophy is important in one way, but in other ways it's useless. Philosophy is discussing your ideas and perspectives with other people, hopefully reaching something that's a universal truth although in 99 out of 100 cases we get nowhere. Philosophy is the action of questioning something around you or within you to reach some kind of knowledge about what ever the subject might be, that's why it's important for us.
But on the other hand, to know why things are the way they are doesn't change them, they are still the way they are. So yes, it's kind of useless if you don't value knowledge as something worth persuiting. For me personally, I don't know any other way besides philosophy, I can't imagien myself not wanting to know why things are the why they are. Teachers have hated me for questioning every little thing in their class (like in early math classes I asked why Pi where ~3.14 and how they came to that number, the teacher couldn't tell me and got annoyed with me because of it).
I don't know how you can explain to your father why you want to do it as it's a personal reason. But if it where me, I would ask him when he stoped questioning things around him and why, because nomather how you look at it, you should always question everything.
Hope I helped a little atleast!