Political philosophers should explicitly write the true nature of political reality.

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 08:08 am
Do you acknowledge that political philosophers should explicitly write the known the true nature of political reality in their written political philosophies.

The true nature of political reality is that the rulers, the controllers, of the political state, have to have the true divine friendship and power of God to be able to control the political state. The rulers, the controllers, of the political state, have to think of various and many things, and have to be able to observe various and many things, and need the true divine friendship and power of God to be able to do think of many things and to be able to observe many things. God created all living creatures, animals and humans, and God created powerful animals such as lions, tigers, apes, gorillas etc. As such God knows the physiology and mentality of these powerful animals. God has the power of creation and transfiguration, atomic restructuring, and God being able to create all living creatures, knows the physiology and mentality of various and all living creatures, and can also transfigure, atomically restructure living creatures.. As such God has to share this divine knowledge and power with his true friends, his true friends being the state and capitalism.

An ape of instance is a powerful animal with a big head and big eyes, his head having loads of energy and as such his big eyes being able to see and absorb many things. As the rulers, the controllers, of the political states, have to be able to think of various and many things, and have to be able to observe various and many things, they would need the divine knowledge and power of being able to think of many things, and of being able to observe various and many things, and as such would need to have knowledge of how to have big heads and big energetic brains and big eyes likes apes for instance. As such the rulers, the controllers, of the political state, have this divine knowledge and power of God, they have big energetic brains and big eyes that can think of various and many things, and that can observe various and many things. God has always been a true divine friend of the political and capitalism, and the rulers, the controllers, of all political states, have always had this divine knowledge and power of God. Doctors are part of the political state, and logically God, having created all living creatures, and knowing the physiology and mentality of all living creatures, would have to invent medical science, and give the divine knowledge of medical science to doctors. Logically God would have to give to, share with, this divine knowledge of medical science, to doctors, and God would have to be living in the world as a true divine friend of doctors to be able to give to, share with, the divine knowledge of medical science with doctors. Logically, therefore it is true that God has always been a true divine friend of the political state and capitalism.

The Royal families of the world, being the rulers, the controllers, of political states, have and always had the true divine friendship and power of God. Royalty such as The French Royalty and the Russian Royalty were not killed. The phoney French And Russian revolutions were the indulgence of politics of deceit of phoney socialism. The so-called French And Russian revolutions for instance were phoney revolutions, they were not real, they did not occur in reality. The French And Russian Royalty, having and always having had, the true divine friendship and power of God, have and had the control of parallel dimensions, and were not in reality killed.

As a moral true socialist, I object to the idea of revolution anyway, if revolutions in the name of socialism could be real, as I want to be a moral true socialist, and revolutions in the name of socialism, if real, would be mind persecution and existential devastation of the existing traditions in control of the state, such as the French Royalty and the Russian Royalty, and is morally unacceptable. If revolutions could be real, the divine creator, God, should be asked for 'A Conference For The Facilitation By God Of the Democratic Distribution Of True Divine Friendship And Power To All People, Either The True Divine Friendship And Power Of God, Or The True Divine Friendship And Power Of An Independent Angel, If It Could Be Possible For An Independent Angel To Exist' (see my document ''If Lenin Was A Socialist And Hadn't Killed The Romanov Family.')

The indulgence of the politics of deceit of phoney socialism was a plan for a united nations of capitalist-royalist police states that has always been and are, The truth is that all the political states of the united nations are capitalist-royalist and always have been. Political states previously deceitfully called socialist were capitalist-royalist political states in disguise as socialist states. Socialism never exited in reality.

True socialism has now been correctly enlightened and philosophised by me, by my own moral democratic philosophy of true socialism, according to the ideas, the thoughts, the concepts, of my own written moral democratic philosophy of true socialism, as a philosophical 'source of inspiration' for true socialism, that give true socialism moral democratic inspiration and for true socialism to be a concept of peace, that I have written explicitly, on paper, in black and white, in the years 2007, 2008, 2009.

As the existing realms of the world, the political states of the united nations, have already been built over centuries, the builders of these realms have a sense of achievement and satisfaction watching the harvests each autumn in their own realms, the haystacks in the fields each autumn reflecting that they have built their realms over years and years.

As the builders of all the existing realms have and always have had the true divine friendship and power of God to be able to build their realms over hundreds of years, there is divine sense in this idea of watching the harvests each autumn, of watching the haystacks in the fields each autumn, and there is a sense of reflection of achievement of building a realm over time, over years and years, and as God created all words and as words have meaning, the word 'barn' makes sense and has meaning according to this divine sense of building a realm, the word 'barn' obviously means 'build a realm now.' The word 'born' is obviously similar to the word 'barn' and also makes sense according to this divine sense of building a realm, meaning 'build our realm now', and 'belongingness of realm now.' This makes sense, you need to know that true divine friendship and power is necessary to be able to build a realm, and the human person for self-realisation needs to sometime know for sure the 'knowingness of belonging in a realms he\she wants. Being 'born' in the world, the human person has to sometime know for sure the 'knowingness of belonging in a realm' he\she wants.

My summary of my correct enlightenment of 'True Democracy' for all people explain 'knowingness of belonging in a realm.'

My philosophy of 'True Democracy' is the truth, it does correctly enlighten and philosophise the necessities the human person has to attain for self-realisation, the such necessities being.
(1) The human person wants to, and needs to, and has to sometime, attain in his\her mind the 'Good Advice And Good Education' that truly inspires his\her mind to feel good.
(2) To be able to know for sure the 'Good Advice And Good Education' that truly inspires the human person's mind to feel good, the human person needs to know and conceptualise the Fundamental Truisms Re 'True Mind Inspiration' And 'True Friendship'.
(3) The 'Good Advice And Good Education' the human person wants in his\her mind that truly inspires his\her mind to feel good has to be thought about, and constructively and explicitly written, on paper, in black and white.
(4) To truly realise love of existence, the human person needs to find and have a true friend sometime with whom to share true mind inspiration, with whom to share the 'Good Advice And Good Education' that truly inspires a true friend and a true friend's mind to feel good.
(5) When the human person finds and has a true friend with whom to share the 'Good Advice And Good Education' that truly inspires a true friend's mind and a true friend's mind to feel good, a true friend and a true friend want to meet, and be with each other, talk to each other, at places in the world, at economic developments in the world, where a true friend and a true friend know for sure they belong, know for sure they feel at home.
(6) To be able to find and have a true friend the human person has to have, for various reasons as is explained in my document 'The Divine Necessity For The Attainment Of True Friendship', true divine friendship and power, either the true divine friendship and power of God, or the true divine friendship and power an independent angel, if it could be possible for an independent angel to exist.
(7) To be able to meet, and be with, and talk to, a true friend, at places in the world, at economic developments in the world, and to know for sure that a true friend and a true friend belong, feel at home, at such places in the world, at such economic developments in the world, a true friend and a true friend need to know for sure they have the true divine friendship and power they truly want and need, either the true divine friendship and power of God, or the true divine friendship and power of an independent angel, if it could be possible for an independent angel to exist, and know for sure that they are at such places in the world, at such economic developments in the world, under\with the true divine friendship and power they truly want and need, either the true divine friendship and power of God, or the true divine friendship and power of an independent angel, if it could be possible for an independent angel to exist. As such, it is true that the most essential, important thing, the human person has to attain for self-realisation, eternal peace of mind, eternal soul peace, eternal love of existence, is the attainment of "True Friendship According To 'Good Advice And Good Education Being The True Mind Inspiration Of True Friendship That Truly inspires A True Friend's Mind And A True Friend's Mind To Feel Good' According To The Attainment Of Knowingness Of Belonging In A Realm Under\With True Divine Friendship And Power" either the true divine friendship and power of God, or the true divine friendship and power of an independent angel, if it could be possible for an independent angel to exist, a person's own realm being the places, the economic developments, in the world, where the human person knows for sure he\she belongs, knows for sure he\she feels at home, under\with true divine friendship and power, either the true divine friendship and power of God or the true divine friendship and power of an independent angel, if it could be possible for an independent angel to exist.
(8) If the human person wants to belong to, be part of, a tradition, a political concept, the tradition or political concept the human person wants to belong to needs to own its own places, its own economic developments, under\with true divine friendship and power, either the true divine friendship and power of God, or the true divine friendship and power of an independent angel, if it could be possible for an independent angel to exist.

I ask you to acknowledge that political philosophers should explicitly state, write, in their written political philosophies, the known true nature of political reality, such as the above truisms of the true nature of political reality, and that there should be a political conference, a political discussion, into why political philosophers of the past, phoney such as phoney socialist political philosophers such as Karl Marx, knowing the true nature of political reality, didn't explicitly state, write, the true nature of political reality, in their written political philosophies.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 871 • Replies: 5
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Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2010 01:02 pm
@Adrian ada,
What on earth are you talking about? I disagree with your 'truisms', I disagree that political philosophers should have to acknowledge them (since your truisms are ridiculous and not based in truth at all). I also disagree with your notion of 'self-realization'. I don't think any of the things you listed are necessary conditions for self-realiziation.

Your whole post is intellectually suspect and not backed up with any rationalized philosophy at all.
vita forma
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 12:27 am
@Adrian ada,
Recognize the world around you as it appears. I hate to preach science because I know even science sometimes gets carried away with over simplifying things, but if you want to talk about truth I believe we will find it much easier to agree on a rationally traceable and provable set of arguments and observations; not based out of a notion of something greater that arose thousands of years ago.

Humans are a curious animal in that they have the ability to make sense of the world around them, and they have filled in the gaps various ways. Religion is a result of gaps in our understanding of our existence, and it is a great deal of good and bad have come of it. Polytheism was a lot more adept at reflecting the diversity that exists in the physical and living world than monotheism, which is more restrictive towards the definition of reality. I would say religion is on its way out, but there are always people who are young and ready to fill in the gaps; and the idea of preaching seems to imply a desire to fill in the gaps for someone.

Here is a few political truisms for you. We are here. We are alive. We are not alone as living beings on earth, and we rely on each other, and various other elements of what does live on this planet. Besides that, it's largely talk.

Talk is relevant because it creates where we are today, and our situation as a species is grounded in the concept of individuals networked together but who, on ultimately on self-conscious and self-reasoned valuations, create actions and agreements which sometimes reverberate across this network. The words we speak are important but it is important that we remember they are still an invention and constantly capable of reinvention; at varying paces and to varying degrees.
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Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 12:42 am
Rwa001;141267 wrote:
What on earth are you talking about? I disagree with your 'truisms', I disagree that political philosophers should have to acknowledge them (since your truisms are ridiculous and not based in truth at all). I also disagree with your notion of 'self-realization'. I don't think any of the things you listed are necessary conditions for self-realiziation.

Your whole post is intellectually suspect and not backed up with any rationalized philosophy at all.

:bigsmile:I would not put it so blond, but you'r right. I thanked the post for the effort put in. To be Honost; I cannot concentrate on such a long texts. I usuually skip to-do (not) lists because I want to find out myself. Even a "twelf step" is to much Ophrah ? Phil ! for me. Poisson for my mind; I switch Imidiately to save my positive impression of the people of the USA. We all had our scandalousely bad governments. Can't you sue your Former Presidents ?

America (colloquial) relatively slided down the slope of western development. Start producing your quality products. Dumb labels manufatured in China or Worse are not Cool. We in Europe prefer Vintage. Clothes, shoes, ecological food, public transport to name a few goals 4 2021. Or wcould it be 2012... Have to check calandar.

Kind Regards,

Pepijn SH Sweep

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Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 03:13 am
@Adrian ada,
when you start out a really big post like this, with lots of impassioned statements of a very sweeping nature, it is a really good idea to ensure that your first sentence is grammatically correct. That way, whoever starts reading it will feel that it is at least possible that you care what anyone else thinks.
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Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 05:28 am
Rwa001;141267 wrote:

Your whole post is intellectually suspect and not backed up with any rationalized philosophy at all.

I mixed up two entries this morning. It was the piece from Adrianus what ticked me of.
I think (s)he yust wanted to say to much. Backing up by rationalised philosophy I never do such a thing. Since when is logic the ruler of the world ?

I hope Adrianus will explain slowly the ID's ; we'll back it up, critisize &
hopefully 4 All some brilliance will appear

Pepijn Sweep'sLaughingLaughing
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