The difference between the computer mind and the human mind is vast.
First, computers store and process information that we call memory. The fault in the computer mind is in the fact that computers do not actually understand the information. It merely processes it.
Further, computers have no intent. The body, for example, will not move your arm up and down unless your mind commands it to do so. If your body performs this action with intension, then your body must have its own mind to carry out the choice. The body, however, may react. For example, when you touch a hot oven, your hand will jerk away on its own. It processes its own information to react without consulting the mind- without intention (and therefore consciousness). The computer is not so different. It is more like a body than a mind. It follows commands. Just because it processes information does not make it a mind. It has no intention what-so-ever. Without intention, we may not have creativity. Further, without consciousness, computers can not have a sense of self (self awareness).
It seems that computers as we know them today, at best, can be extensions of the mind.