salima wrote:hi william-
i believe someone is controlling the media in america, i have no doubt of that. but there is a lot of twists in the logic of the argument these people (on the website) are proposing.
in the first place, why would this group they accuse of controlling the media want to portray black people the way it is suggested they are being portrayed? how would it be to their advantage? and in the second place, i dont see any truth in the type of programming they are talking about. i still see black people for the most part pushed to the sidelines in television except for sitcoms. movies there are some success stories, but the worst is still the news. it has been a long time since i left, but i imagine the american newspapers and television stations still report 'black man holding a gun' or 'black man dressed in jeans and tee shirt' etc. they never specify an alleged perpetrator is white.
the other issue they are trying to introduce is that jewish people are ok with homosexuality. as far as i know from their scriptures, it is DEFINITELY not ok with them. i havent been looking into it, but i guess it could be researched how is the situation in israel for gays.
so it seems to me the gist of the article is to try and foster hatred against these three groups, jews, blacks and gays. they want to make people hate jews for controlling their media, and blacks and gays because the jews support them. that doesnt mean they dont happen to know who is controlling the country. but they are only using that information for their own agenda. the truth will come out sooner or later, and if these guys are proved right, think what it will do for their position in the country. they will be looked upon as the good guys who warned us.
Hello Salima,
No culture, white, black, oriental, hispanic or whatever likes the cultures, lifestyles, opinions, truths of another force upon them. It takes time, trust, communication, respect and understanding for a diverse peope to learn to get along with each other. Under the auspices of "civil rights and equality" we made one of the biggest mistakes we could have ever made in this country and that was to "force everyone to get along" overnight, as it were. What you are reading and the vitriolic venom it is spewing is a direct result of that. What this website does, it gives those reasons why it is so angry, regardless of it's bigoted reasons, and in this case it is to preserve what it defines as it's "ethnic purity". The truth of the matter is they are beating up on others who are striving to do the same thing.
Ethnic purity is a bogus, illusionary term that cements those barriers that separate us and as a result, we kill each other. And as long as one group maintains it's "superiority" to another, we always will kill each other, for all are truly created equal in that we all have a "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", that "should not" be dependent on how much knowledge or wealth one has.
We have greatly raped and pillaged the great constitution on which America was formed. It was a work of art in that it wanted to establish a foundation for which would create an example for the world to follow with the hopes of bringing down those barriers that separate us. Unfortunately knowledge, wealth and hidden agendas and a gross interpretation on what "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is all about, has all but destroyed any hopes of creating that foundation. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should have nothing to do with power, wealth or knowledge. Unfortunately in America today life, liberty and happiness is absolutely dependent on how much knowledge you have and how much money you have in the bank. If you have little of either you are considered "worthless" to those agendas that control America these days. That power and it's agenda is exactly what this bigoted website is identifying with it's research concerning the most influential machine in the world today, the mass media. Unfortunately it remains unclear as to what this agenda is. Perhaps it is to "rule" the world, by creating the chaos that is so prevalent in the world today.
If we had the right, as a people, to vote on every single issue that arose that affected our very lives, it would be different, I assure you, but we don't. Money controls America now and nothing else matters. Screw life, liberty and any happiness all the people are entitled to. If it can make money exploiting the frailties of the innocent it will, I guarantee it. If those who rule can get votes by pandering to the obscene and extreme, they will to maintain their selfish power. All men are created equal has become a joke. Yes we are all equal as it relates to all having the right to enjoy life on this planet as long as that life is not at the expense or endangerment to another human being.
We have been conditioned to conserve "ethnic purity". Ethnic purity, my ass. I don't have to explain what ethnic purity can lead to. Does genocide ring a bell. That last website clearly identified what can occur from that mind set of maintaining ethnic purity. Damn.