Aedes, how you can tell me to stop all the interpersonal stuff after you brought your own personal stuff into the discussion is completely goofy. You're also telling me to go back and read the thread, when it seems to me that you never even read it in the first place.
You're mentioning the limits of your acceptance in the abstract
Where? The only limit of my acceptance that I mentioned was my limit to accept that agreeing with the statement "many religions can lead to eternal life" means people are more tolerant. What is abstract about that? Now you're putting words into my mouth. Do you prefer I call you kettle or pot?
Now please be big about this,
Has anyone ever told you that you are both insulting and condescending to others? Cause if not, it's about time.
You accuse me of
you backed off your point of view
bogus I did. Again, where? Because I said that I wasn't defending my personal view, but opposing the idea of painting people who don't agree with some attitude that society is pushing as being intolerant people. That wasn't backing off, that was me restating what I had been saying all along, which, again, you would have known had you bothered to actually read anything that I'd said this entire thread.
Bringing your family into this was an ugly move on your part.
you said you care about what other people believe, but then you said you didn't care about my family's beliefs. So there is a discrepancy in your point of view
Where did I ever say, even once in this whole thread, that anyone else's belief system is my business, before you asked me that question, which ended up taking this whole discussion in a direction that it was never in before? This "discrepency" in my point of view had nothing to do with the prior parts of the thread, and only had anything to do with the question you posed that was out of context with the rest of the thread. Like I said, it was a trick question, cause you knew full well how I was going to answer it, which would give you this bs excuse to drag personal matters into the argument. Why? Because you'd completely run out of fuel for the original argument so you figured you could win it if you turned it into a personal defense. That was absolutely low down, dirty of you, Aedes, and if you're half the man that you want me to be when you say "be big about this" then you ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing it.
stop going on a campaign to tell me what I REALLY meant
yet another example of you playing the part of the pot.
take this thread where you want it to go.
Wait a minute here, you're the one who took this thread into all this "needless interpersonal stuff", and now you expect me to get the thread out of it? Forget you; do it yourself.