No0ne wrote:For all that be in the state of conscious and go to sleep, for there consciousness will return to the state nothingness where consciousness and time exist not.
The "Order Of State's Of Consciousness Of The Mind".
1.Nothingness (Asleep)
3.Lucid Dreams
4.Consciousness (Awake)
For all consciousness returns from where it came from.
Yet what role dose the unconsciousness have in this cycle?
Is it just to infulance your consciousness durning 2,3, and 4, and to maintain a place for you to awake?
What you have pointed out here is something that most people never think of. I think it is of primary importance to learn from nature in every facet of life; to learn why there are certain laws of nature. The fact that we will die if we don't take our consciousness away from this place is a law of nature and it is this way for a reason. Our body actually has no need for sleep; it may need rest, but this is totally different from a consciousness related issue. It is our mind that is somehow benefitting from deep sleep. If you don't sleep, you will go crazy and hallucinate, etc. But there aren't any known reasons why the brain must have sleep, only theories. It seems to be an issue most intimately related to consciousness and mind. Things that science doesn't really understand.
Anyway, this is an issue I have pondered a lot. The main lesson is that, apparently, we aren't supposed to get too wrapped up in what is going on in the realm of waking consciousness. We are to somehow transcend this place, to go beyond it. Most people go about their daily business without ever learning how to see right, or to be conscious correctly. There is supposed to be an element of your consciousness that is always going beyond your present circumstance. It isn't me saying this, it is nature with its enforcement of deep sleep in our lives. HOwever, most wake up each day completely leaving behind the state of mind imparted to them by deep sleep. They wake up and start thinking about the day ahead of them and they experience all of the ramifications of their mind according to the consequences that these thoughts set in motion. I have told myself before to try to live as if on the verge of sleep. The only problem is that we tend to associate this state of mind with sleep. We always have it just before we fall asleep or upon awakening. It doesn't have to be associated with sleep. The problem is that this transcendent state of mind appears useless to us because our philosophy of life is so skewed toward being instead of including non being. Nobody understands the purpose of non being in consciousness. When they think non being, they think death and death is always to be avoided in every way. ON the contrary, someone who hasn't factored the lessons of death/deep sleep/non being into their lives and consciousness is much less than a spiritual being. Non being can be used to achieve peace of mind, actually there is no other way to achieve true peace of mind.
To ask what the role of the unconscious is is to ask what the role of non being is. Obviously whatever may be on the other side of the void is beyond our ability to know (unless perhaps it can be experienced in advanced meditation?) and so it is useless to speculate what is actually going on when we become unconscious. All we can do is observe what appears to be the parameters of this life and live according to them. And it is not a mystical thing at all to say that our biology seems to be working in tandem with some force of nature that is taking our consciousness out of this world so we can transcend it. So I would say that the role of the unconscious is to teach us about consciousness, just as death is to teach us about life.:listening: