@GHOST phil,
Here is a far better example than the first.
I hold a finite bed sheet at the ends and pull it tight and drop a ball into the middle and it sinks but dosnt drop due to the fact that Im holding it tight which causes counter resistance to the object that falls on it.
Now if I do the oppisite of such...
Wait I cant, since the bed sheet would be infinite and therefore would have no ends for me to pull the infinite expanse of the bed sheet tight, so therefore when I drop the ball onto that infinite expanse, the ball will infinitly drop, due to the fact that there would be no resistance created from the ends, due to the fact that its infinite.
Basicaly somthing that is infinite is "unlimited" somthing that is "unlimited" has NO ENDS! DUE TO THE FACT THAT IT IS UNLIMITED INFINITE NEVER ENDING THERE IS NO END!, and somthing that has no ends cannot create resistance...
So gravity its self proves that the space that all matter exists in cannot be an infinite space with no ends.
Hence it would be very easy for a mass to create a black hole... It seems black holes are created when a mass drops in mass very quickly then expands in mass very quickly which seems to rip the bed sheet instead of that of which is holding the bed sheet tight. yet its unknown if the object will infinitly drop after it falls through the bed sheet and it seems like there is no logical insight in that, yet...(Note this great indentation is what gives massive gravity pulling everything to its center point.) "Still in a spiral motion, since all things with mass has gravity, so a space man would just go down the middle, and a galaxy would spiral down into the middle, makes for a great screen saver"
Now the waves of gravity shown above, tend to move and change, this is due to the objects mass changing, for example the earth spins on its axis and constantly changing which way it tilts, for example I take that round ball and place in on the bed sheet when its pulled tight, the ball is not moving so therefore the indent of the bed sheet stays the same, yet if I start to spin the ball and the ball tilts more to one side than another, the becomes to be more of a indention on one side than another, hence creating wave like patterns which change from the slightest change in the position of the objects mass... (Im strained for time I will finish another time with better words..)
The earth also has a moon which dose not spin and only orbits, so its waves should be calm, yet those waves would be effected from the earths ever changin waves, and therefore would effect the moons waves making them change... (Note a greate example is two objects spining unevenly on a axis rocking back and forth on that axis on a pond...)
Yet for these to be true that space has an end, would rely on the fae that the fabric of space has no density to it, and there is no way to prove that it dose or dose not, yet a black hole seems to be the key to understanding the fabric of space...