If there become's a national government heath care plan, taxes would be raised to cover such, yet since corperation's would no longer need to pay the people that they employe or them self, they would make alot more money, and therefor the government can say that they will do this if they pay everyone more money, hence min wage can be higher. (10$)
But there are 3 down side's, yet in the long run it will be worth it.
1.All the people that are paying for there health plan's, would lose all there money that they have invested in those plan's.
2.All the people that work in telemarketing for those health insurance people would lose there job's and would need to be relocated.
3.All the bank's that hold the money for the health insurance company's would lose the money that the health insurance companys have placed in there bank's.
Yet, all those people will need health care, so in the long run the money they lose then would be less than the money they would lose in the future.
So a national government health insurance is the solution to health care, since it is a more wiser investment of your money.
So, since the person that you work for would no longer need to pay for your health insurance plan's, they can pay you more, and since you are no longer paying for health insurance at a unfair price, and you are geting paid more, therefore those perk's would cover the higher tax for a government health insurance.
(For example if min wage was made to 10$, and you where paid 8$ before the raise, you would be realy making 9$ after the new tax, so therefore its a win win for you and the employer, and the government and the bank's that deal with them, due to the fact you would get paid more and pay less for insurance.)
(*note in W.A. nexted year they are making min wage $8.55, to comp for high cost of living, so companies would be all for this kind of health insurance.)