Has anyone read the book?
If not, you may want to watch this video to get aquatinted with some of the controversy, the material should be self explanatory
YouTube - John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
the current situation with U.S. foreign policy (Specifically Near east politics) has to do with existence of Israel.( I hope, stating that fact wont get me called a neo-nazi)
So In this book, it talks about american fiscal support of the zionist ideology.
This book made me wonder about the liberal school, and how it could possibly be similar to zionism (political ideology). This is important to observe because of the relation ship these ideologies have with current international affairs
and anther question you dont necessarily have to answer is : why is there a fuss in the american mainstream when anyone mentions something negative about zionism?
let throw some words of knowledge,
if you have any extra readings or videos please show me that would be awsome