Pythagorean;25458 wrote:SummyF,
You calling zionists greedy is not philosophy.
If you sincerely believe that Jewish people are responsible for some bad choices that America has made, then there are more intelligent, more decent, more polite and more constructive ways of bringing about such discussion.
Calling me a racist "Neo-Con" doesn't help your case, it only makes you look worse. I am not the one who is the 'ideologue' here. I don't care if Jewish people think they're superior, I don't care if anyone or everyone thinks that they're superior because that's not the issue here. The issue is your poor conduct and lack of etiquette.
Just do us all a favor and lay off of the hate speech.
Do you understand me?
You have not argued with any of my points
so i can respond to what you said?
lets dissect this
"You calling zionists greedy is not philosophy"
what is greed, if im not mistaken is part of
ethicshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics(just for a small reference)
I hope you understand zionism and know that it is a political ideology
"there are more intelligent, more decent, more polite and more constructive ways of bringing about such discussion."
You tell me how?
by not mentioning Zionism or the current ideological power struggle in the middle east aka Abraham's playground
"Calling me a racist "Neo-Con" doesn't help your case"
nor does calling me a modern day Nazi,
"I don't care if anyone or everyone thinks that they're superior because that's not the issue here"
Well people who believe they are superior will usually involve themselves with conflict,
and that is the issue that is inovled here, with zionism
i did mentioned foreign policy?
Hate speech lol
is noam a neo nazi too
walt ? mershimer ?
im still waiting for an argument, for the few points i have made
calling me a neo nazi shouldnt count as an argument to the few point
or is it that you cant respond?