Hi all,
Can personal identity be thought of as the self? This may be a common error of the public, but in philosophy I think it is acknowledged that personal identity is NOT ones essence. "The self in one, is the self in all," this accordding to Hindu philosophy. The essence of life I think, is what the self is, and it is immuntable. Personal identity is a exclusionary process, for that which I deem other, defines the I which is my identity. The limits you might say of familularity of other things is the limit of identity. Identity is only a sense of identity, rather than something fixed and concrete, it is a centred experence, the relation of a subject to its object [environment]. "Subject and object stand or fall together." Schopenhaure

" This I feel aligns with the buddhist principal of nonduality. Their is no separation between subjective and objective or the self and reality as such the "self is the lord of the self "
:)As long as people enquire about the nature of the self or personal identity, its is the duality from which they speak.