twyvel wrote:joefromchicago wrote: On the other hand, I have a big problem with explaining nondualism by traditional logic.
I guess you mean, "trying" to explain.
Well, I suppose "failing" is really the
mot juste.
twyvel wrote:Are you saying no effort should be made?
I'm saying that any effort to explain nondualism by means of dualistic logic is doomed to failure.
twyvel wrote:As
JLNobody has said several times and
"made quite clear", attempting to explain nondualism dualistically is difficult enough, and perhaps folly but the attempt is made regardless and rightly so, for believe it or not some people actually "get it",

Attempting to explain nondualism dualistically is not "perhaps" folly, it is the very definition of "folly." As such, any efforts in that regard to convince people to "get it" are, at best, misguided, at worst fraudulent.
twyvel wrote:Why you would want to exaggerate and exacerbate the problem as in your above is beyond me.
I want you to be true to your own system,
twyvel. I want you to renounce the errors that you have, regrettably, fallen into and return to the consistent path of nondualism. I am, consequently, trying to save you from yourself. No need to thank me.
twyvel wrote:What does "object" mean? As I think fresco and JLNobody have said an observed "object" is a process not a thing; light, sound, smell etc. perception, and (apparent) observer are in constant change. One cannot have the same experience twice. Repetition is a myth.
Yes, and no one can cross the same river twice either. But then how can there be "process" at all in a system where all is unity? How can things like "perceptions" be understood in such a system? If it's true that "all is one," then certainly all "smells" are "sounds," all "feelings" are "seeings." If "all is one," then even saying "one cannot have the same experience twice" is meaningless, since the notions of "same" and "twice" involve a notion of multiplicity. Thus, not only can no one have the same experience twice in a nondualistic system, no one can have
any experience at all.
I'll make a deal with you,
twyvel: you identify which philosophers you
disagree with up front, and I won't waste your time trying to refute them.