rufio wrote:"Schroedinger's cat is dead, unless it is alive, we don't know until we look to see."
I would expect that the cat knows whether it's alive or not though.
I was actually talking to someone about how statistics is mystical because objects and events don't exist as probabilities - they exist as certainties. An event may have a 30% chance of happening, in reality, either it doesn't happen (0% chance) or it does happen (100% chance). It doesn't happen 30% of the way, or 30% of all universes, or any of that crap. Quantum mechanics is just misapplied statistics.
"So, We have by logic proved the world to be illogical"
well, we were talking about an observer independent of the cat and i as of yet concede that quantum particles might have at their level what we consider a self-awareness... how could we ever know?
in quantum mechanics, an event has to be observed for it to "exist," until then all there is can be described by wave functions of probabilites, but the mathematics of this prediction are based upon reason and logic garnered from the macro-universe.
we would not consider it true that in the macro-universe existence is predicated upon observations just as you said about the cat.
but the mathematics of the macro-universe predict that the micro-universe does not follow the same rules as does the macro-universe.
you call this a misapplication of statistics,
but either the mathematics of the macro-universe do predict in the micro-universe what we would think of as a macro-absurdity, or an entirely different way of reason and logic must be forthcoming from observations in the micro-universe.
since one could say that what i originally referred to as the macro-universe, was actually a meso-universe and that there is beyond this meso-universe a truer macro-universe, then fresco's and another poster's claim that the reason and logic of the meso-universe dont apply to philosophies based upon this higher macro-universe and could be valid.
this could be illustrated easily by looking at the Flartand analogy and add another dimension of reality which can be considered to be an artifact of consciousness ... and echoes in the macro-universe as what is referred by some religions as the soul.
which exists beyond the logic and reason of the meso-universe.
its why buddha said nothing about it since it is indescribable with the tools of the meso-universe.