boagie wrote::)Hi ogden!
:)Your points are well taken. This love yourself first, have we determine then just what love is? As it is an emotion, it happens almost entirely within, some marvelous chemistry changes, never the less the object of desire is always out there.The autonomy you speak of is not violated really by the desire for other but the whole thing is a response to an innate need, as one eats when one is hungry. What is your slant on just how the process---- assumeing we know what love is--of love works or functions, is it entirely an internal matter other than the orginal stimulus? What is the universal relation between the sexes, if indeed there is one, does this effect our defination of love, I think not, but it does need to be clearly eliminated.
Hey boagie! Great point. It is useless to use words to rationalize a point when the meaning of the words are ambiguous or undefined. The problem is that sometimes the words represent an abstract concept like love. What was that wonderfull quote: the limits of my vocabulary are the limits of my reality? Also, am I to define love, when all the artists, poets, and philosophers, before me have so valerously failed? I think not, but I'll try. I will also try and maintain an analytical aproach. Emotive reasoning is not logically viable, even when attempting to define an emotion.
Love would seem to be the perception of a condition
within ones self that is of a euphoric, favorable nature, and is in relation to someone or something. The favorable part is probably due in some way to the sensation of seratonin, dopamine, and oxycotin (feel good chemicals) produced in the brain that coinside with the perception of love. In some ways its like a clasical conditioned response in that there is an association between the good feeling and the person or thing. This favorable association is established and then is reinforced through repeated favorable experiences. Bad or negative expierience can disrupt or break down the favorable association.
You spoke of love as being an inate need. I will agree, and further; love hapens regardless of external conditons. By that I mean obviously external factors/stimuli can pramote chemical release, but I also think that the chemicals release nomater what, and when they do, you feel euphoric/love for no apparent reason.
In social ralationships, favorability pramotes acceptance of the other, so then loving yourself might be synonymous with accepting yourself. A persons ability to accept others/love others may be limited by fear of rejection from low selfesteem or from memory of a previous expieriance, so loving yourlelf is easier than loving someone else.
I read some of the thread on "the selfish nature of man", and I think (sadly) Love is a selfish act. You should check out the thread on "whats the deal with sex?" Teena posted some nice article links about love and sex.
I do love a good sunset:p.