Phosphorous wrote:I understand what your saying MJA, with a key dissagreement.
Really, an understanding of diversity is key to understanding how everything is one. Even so, the solution isn't to stay with one. It's not about realizing that all is one and then resting in that realization. If you do that, you're still thinking one-sidedly.
Thus, the true master is at home in the one, the two, the many. Education then, should be about understanding the security of the one, and embracing the uncertainty of the many.
Hope that makes sense.
In my wondrous lifetime I have realized three basic states of consciousness:
"I" - there's me and then there's you other guys.
"All" - me and you guys are really all linked together.
"One" - there's no me and no you guys; there's just IS. (Also called consciousness-without-an-object-and-without-a-subject)
Like concentrical spheres, the "All" state of consciousness (sometimes called Nirvana) embraced the "I" state of consciousness. Within the perspective of me and you guys all linked together, there remained the perspective of me and you guys being separate entities.
Within the state of consiousness called "One", where I and you guys were not distinguishable, there remained both the perspective of "All" and the perspective of "I". I = All = One
Not easy to talk about in a written language. One has to have the experience.
Anyway, I like what you said: You can't rest in one realization. They all coexist.