Wed 31 Oct, 2007 01:58 pm
The Locked Door
A short play.[/CENTER]
Four scientists were working in a laboratory. They had been working all day, and they decided to head home to their families. Scientist #1 tries to open the main doors, and finds that they are locked. Scientist #2 tries the back door, and it is also locked. During the course of the evening, none of them had seen or heard anything unusual, so they all sit down and try to scientifically understand how the doors came to be locked.
Scientist #1:
This certainly is a difficult question, but it needs an answer. I think that our best possible hypothesis is that at some point as we moved around the room during the day, the combined forces of our gravitational and electromagnetic pulls precisely lined up in such a way that the locks on both of the doors were turned without us noticing.
Scientist #2: Scientist #3:
Although either one of your two theories are obviously possible, I'm not sure I can really commit to either one. I'm willing to continue considering both theories equally.
Scientist #4:
Well, I think someone outside the room locked both doors.
(Gasps from Scientists #1, 2 &3)
Scientist #1:
Where's your evidence!?! My theory only takes into account the observable realities of gravity and electromagnetism, which we can detect right here in this room. Your theory is entirely based around things for which there is absolutely no discernible evidence. Between the four of us, no one observed in any way this supposed "Someone Outside". I thereby declare that your guess is a complete impossibility.
Scientist #2:
I think you are just trying too hard; there is no need for any outside influence, intelligent or otherwise. The door locked itself over the course of the long day. Whether the lock turned slowly over hours and hours or whether it turned all at once could be open to debate, but it obviously happened. As you can see, the doors are locked.
Scientist #3:
Look here, I like to keep an open scientific mind and all. Even though these other two can't agree, I find both of them to be scientifically credible, but this ridiculous theory of yours is clearly outside the bounds of logic, science, and good taste! I can't believe you're trying to shove this nonsense down our throats!
Scientist #4:(Frustrated sighs from Scientists #1, 2, &3.)
A minute later they hear the sounds of the custodian approaching. They call to him, and he quickly begins to unlock the door, apologizing for the trouble he caused. The Scientists pay little attention, but begin to leave the room and make their way out of the building to their cars.
Scientist #1:
Good, I'll be glad to get away from this dreamer for a while.
Scientist #2: Scientist #3:
I'll give you a ride home if you need it. (Now turning toward Scientist #4) Listen here- when our families wonder where we were, we don't want you to be spouting off any of your crazy ideas, okay? It would be pretty embarrassing to us, not to mention that we could loose our funding. Also, you shouldn't be shoving your ideas down anyone else's throats. The three of us here were able to use scientific reason so we weren't swayed by your pathetic arguments, but not many people could do that. Whatever you do, don't try to teach that garbage to any children! They don't have the ability to think for themselves yet. But, since we aren't entirely sure what happened, we will give everyone the two theories developed by the others. This will allow everyone involved to make informed and unbiased decisions.
Scientist #4:
I understand. I'm sorry for all the confusion I caused. I'll keep my ideas completely to myself.
Scientist #1:
You'd better, or you'll end up destroying your reputation as a scientist. Good night (Gets in his car and leaves)
Scientist #2:
It will be better this way, trust me. (Opening his car door) Oh good, my door didn't lock. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow. (Drives away)
Scientist #3:
Stick to the evidence next time, okay? And if some dim-witted idea pops in your brain again, run it by me first. I'm open-minded, unbiased, scientific, and all around smarter than you.
Scientist #4:
That was delightful little comedy:) At first I was expecting it to be a brain-teaser, but instead it was just funny (like, how many scientists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?). Very clear writing; very engaging and entertaining. I like the epilogue, the scientist says the janitor should've waited till they were all gone ...after they had all left. Nice finishing touch.
Here's my interpretation of the play:
We are living in a society of ever increasing specialization and less and less old fashioned common sense. People are blind to some obvious facts due to our increasingly legalistic and technocratic society. So this play is a spoof upon our own society. Like after hurricane Katrina where everyone began blaming everyone else for what went wrong while everything was
still in the process of going wrong!
That's my take on it. Anyway, I'm glad you wrote it and posted it, and I'm very glad I read it. Thank you NeitherExtreme! and you should definitely keep writing :cool:
Thanks Pythagorean for reading, and even more thanks for enjoyoing it.

I wrote it just to entertain myself one morning when I had some free time, and had fun doing it, though it was my first atempt at anything of the sort.
Yes, it is definitely a play about lack of common sense in today's society and people being blind to what right in front of them. I actually wrote it with a specific topic in mind, though. I was thinking about the whole subject of evolution, the modern scientific comunity, and the fate of those of us who just can't fall in line with what they are preaching.

The naturalist/evolutionist scenerio just doesn't make the first bit of sense in my mind. I think science and common sense show what a house of cards it is, but the modern scientific community has staked their reputations and professional careers on it, so the naysayers will always be run out of town. Funny, it reminds me of the people who persecuted Darwin because his science didn't fit their ideals...:mad: :eek: At least he was willing to give it up if science showed otherwise, though maybe his predecessors might not be so wise...
Three months later...
For what it's worth, after some more thought and discussion since I posted the previous post, I would not have included some of the barbed comments that I put there. Not the best attitude there...
Anyway, I still like the story, and think it's a worthwhile commentary on the modern West. Hope someone else enjoys it too.
That was absolutely magnificent.
I liked it cause it was fairly entertaining and funny but I saw that you had religion in mind when you wrote it, with the synonym for the man outside the door...
And even though it disturbed me how exaggurated it was (if you haven't noticed, I'm anti-religion) I still found it funny.. Great writing!
Wizzy wrote:I liked it cause it was fairly entertaining and funny but I saw that you had religion in mind when you wrote it, with the synonym for the man outside the door...
And even though it disturbed me how exaggurated it was (if you haven't noticed, I'm anti-religion) I still found it funny.. Great writing!
You're right, it was definetely writen from a "religious" perspective, and purposely exagertated... but thanks for commenting kindly anyway.