Nice Input Aedes. The reason I display these statements about life as elements is because they are some of the more difficult questions to ask
What is the meaning of Life?
A military raver told me he searched his whole life to find the answer to this question and said it was love or lack thereof i don't disagree with him
What is the nature of life? this is answer to this question was found thanks to Justin who said
Quote:Life is all about Love,Nature and Balance
In one of the last posts and thanks to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The nature of life is beauty. Behold and wonder at the awe of nature and you will find beauty.
The Nature of Life*
Quote:The nature of life used to concern philosophers&endash;think of Aristotle and Kant&endash;but most philosophers ignore the issue today,
We did not ignore this one nope.
What is the Quality of Life? The quality of life is when everything is in balance again thanks for the comment by Justin
Quote:Life is all about Love,Nature and Balance
and thanks to the prompting of the Holy Spirit I think the quality of life is balance because in our society we manage time,money,health,status,work what do we need to do with all of these...balance them! If you balance your life then that will certainly give your life quality.
Quote:Furthermore, quality of life consists of two components. The first is a physical aspect which includes such things as health, diet, as well as protection against pain and disease. The second component is psychological in nature. This aspect includes such things as stress, worry, pleasure and other positive or negative emotional states. It is virtually impossible to predict the quality of life of a specific individual, since the combination of attributes that leads one individual to be content is rarely the same for another individual.
What is the essence of life? Now this is new to the realm of questing and maybe philosophy but the answer I think is not this took years to stumble upon but it thanks to this board and thoughts and opinions of my brother in law and the people on this board that I have come up with the answer being form is the essence of life. Now on a further note this is interesting form is not new in the realm of philosophy!
Form in philosophy
The word has had various usages in
philosophy. It has been used to translate the Platonic
idea (
eidos), the permanent reality which makes a thing what it is, in contrast with the thing's particulars, which are finite and subject to change
This is thanks to alot of you and again the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
5. and finally
What is the Message of Life? Yes this question may not even exist in the realm of philsopohy but what about theology? just google "message of life" and what is the first result? A religious ministry! So of course the message of life is GOD but get this the first result is a ministry in Loveland,Colorado my hometown and my current resisdence! This is like a sign from heaven no doubt! just search and find out!
It should be noted that these are not the only questions about life. Just the 5 main aspects of life that apply to the 5 elements. and friends please remember alot of this spiritual philosophy has to do with your input so please remember that when you comment at discrediting this method of understanding.