Identity Crisis Cure

Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 07:39 pm
Greetings Folks,
Israel is come our freedom was won with His Love
Today I would just like to proclaim something extremely profound. We meaning me and every person residing in the USA may very well be the descendants of Noah, Moses, and Abraham, it's just in our blood. The current residents in Israel are all of Turkish or Mongolian descent and were converts in the late 700-900AD, the real descendats of the Israelites has been traced all the way through Europe to none other to the USA, how profound! I strongly urge you to investigate this for yourself and not just take my word for it. I will list my source here Welcome - Mission to Israel

"The Identity Crisis Cure"
The current State of Israel is in severe exaultation. What I mean about that is, Have you heard the news? The Jews actually believe

"The Jew is the living God, God incarnate: he is the heavenly man. The other men are earthly, of inferior race. They exist only to serve the Jew. They are the cattle seed."
you can copy this statement and google it to confirm it's authenticity.

Jews in our present society have come to replace God with themselves, their temples, their nation, and their star as their God not Yahweh.
Amos 5:26

26 You have lifted up the shrine of your king,
the pedestal of your idols,
the star of your god [a]-
which you made for yourselves.

I am not making a protest to hate Jews but simply to unravel the fallacy that the present jewish descent is none other than imposters talked about in revealation.
Let me demonstrate Revealation 2:9 says
9I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
To be frank Israelites are God's Chosen people and Jews descended from the Israelites and the Israelites descended from the Hebrews.

Simply Saying Abraham Jacob And Isaac were all Hebrews and Jacob was renamed to Israel thus spawning the seed of the Israelites and from him the Tribe of Judah and thus the Jews. The current Jews even admit they aren't Israelites

And yet on the same token they claim to be the "Chosen Ones" "God's People" "A Holy Nation" Would I remind you what other Nation was Founded on God? America folks. I don't need to cover to deep into this as I will provide the source where you can really educate yourself.
Jews in turn deny the only true Messiah Yashua(Jesus) and claim he commited terrible sin and was a false prophet. This is what a Jewish source has to say about the matter of Yashua

A mysterious character revealed
The Bible gave a warning about a dangerous, false prophet who would arise to test our faith in G-d. In Deuteronomy 13, G-d describes this false prophet as a member of the Jewish people (Duet v 2,7)who would tell true prophecies and would have the power of miracles. G-d Himself would give this false prophet the power to perform miracles and reveal prophecy, but the false prophet would try to seduce the people away from G-d's Law and towards strange gods unknown to Judaism. The purpose would be to test whether we are truly committed to living under the Law, or whether we will be dazzled and fall for the temptation to join a false path to salvation
Duet(v. 3-6, 7-8, 11). In this Biblical passage, G-d repeatedly commands the Jews to kill this false prophet, lest the evil spread and destroy many souls
To be accepted by the people, the false prophet would sometimes pretend to be a righteous Jew who fulfills the Law, but at key moments he would turn against certain details of the Law in order to make the breach (v. 6, 7). This is the reason that verse 1 commands us not to add or subtract any details from the Law, and verse 5 warns us to remain steadfast with all the traditions of the Law Deuteronomy 17, this false prophet is also described as someone who would rebel against the authority of the judges of the Jewish people, and who should be put to death for his rebelliousness (v. 8-13, esp. v. 12). Who are the judges? The highest court in Israel was the Sanhedrin, which was established by Moses (Exodus 18:13-26; Numbers 11:16-29), and which lasted more than 15 centuries. The members of the Sanhedrin were the rabbis known as "Pharisees" (Pirushim, "those with the explanation"). G-d gave permanent authority to these judges to interpret the Law and G-d's Word, and it is a commandment to follow their decisions without turning even slightly to the right or the left (Deut. 17:11). But the false prophet would challenge the authority of the Sanhedrin, thus revealing himself to be an evil man.
The man known today as "Jesus" fulfilled all these prophecies. He became a "king" (over the Christian church) who changed the original Law, doing away with the Hebrew calendar and the Biblical holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos the Festival of Tabernacles, Passover, etc.). He disregarded the one, infinite G-d of the Hebrew Bible in favor of a new "trinity" that included himself. And he repeatedly broke the Law by committing terrible sins, while openly challenging the G-d-given authority of the rabbis of the Sanhedrin. In the book of the prophet Daniel, this false prophet is described as a king (the eleventh horn on a terrible beast) who would wage war against the Jews (the "holy ones"; see Deut. 14:2 on this term) and would change the Law including the calendar and the holidays (Daniel 7:8, 20-25). Elsewhere, this false prophet is described as a king who would disregard the G-d of his fathers, exalting himself as a god and giving honor to this new god-head (Daniel 11:36-39).
The source Known as a Contempary Jew is found here
Who Was Jesus?

Do you believe that jesus was a false prophet? I think not. Again my goal is not to make you hate anyone love your neighbor as yourself I wish to bring light to the truth as it relates to our timeline.

My interpretation of this person's scenario is simple. Jesus was not a false prophet but someone was, do we dare say he was false? I dare not what say you? Then I am left to the conclusion that all these scriptures fit perfectly with Paul or Saul! He succeeded in abolishing the Law he was before the Sanehadrin and defied them read Acts.. ). But the false prophet would challenge the authority of the Sanhedrin, thus revealing himself to be an evil man. remember these words? well let's look at Acts for not Jesus but Paul ...

Acts 23

1Paul looked straight at the Sanhedrin and said, "My brothers, I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day." 2At this the high priest Ananias ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth. 3Then Paul said to him, "God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!"
4Those who were standing near Paul said, "You dare to insult God's high priest?" 5Paul replied, "Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: 'Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.'[a]"

This in my opinion shows biblical defense for Jesus and the offense of Paul. I think it speaks for itself. To clarify this source writes that Jesus created a trinity to exault himself but that was the Catholic Church not Jesus he never claimed a godhead or himself as a god for that matter however I do recall he claimed over and over as being the "Son of God"

Christianity in Majority is idolatry their GOD is Jesus not Yahweh. This is mainly due to the fallacy that is catholicism and constantine.
Look at any Contempary Christian Song they sing to Jesus and God. But I have yet to hear a single song Yahweh in one song one song!! This is what Satan wants!! Sing to Yahweh!! That's God's Name praise his name! His name is forever!

Make no mistake Paul succeeded in bringing in false gods a trinity thus people now believing jesus is God this is the false gods warned about in the books of moses deutoronomy 13:2 and
Daniel 11:36-39

The King Who Exalts Himself

36 "The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price. [a]

However to be fair to the Jews they have helped me find my identity, rekindle my purpose and discover my hertiage, so there is alot of good that has come from me studying them I just don't want to be one in this day and age because of things like talmud rejecting jesus and jewish divinity.

The Seven Laws of Noah
  1. Prohibition of Idolatry: - There is only one God. You shall not make for yourself an idol. (this includes jesus)
  2. Prohibition of Murder: - You shall not murder.
  3. Prohibition of Theft: - You shall not steal.
  4. Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity: - You shall not commit adultery.
  5. Prohibition of Blasphemy: - Revere God and do not blaspheme.
  6. Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals: - Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive.
  7. Requirement to have just Laws: - You shall set up an effective judiciary to fairly judge observance of the preceding six laws
I believe today I discovered that these are the Laws written on the hearts of men!! How amazing! The bible talks about a new covenant and law written on the hearts of men I believe these are those laws!! look...

Jeremiah 31:31-35
31 "The time is coming," declares the LORD,
"when I will make a new covenant
with the house of Israel
and with the house of Judah.

32 It will not be like the covenant
I made with their forefathers
when I took them by the hand
to lead them out of Egypt,
because they broke my covenant,
though I was a husband to [a] them, [b] "
declares the LORD.
33 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel
after that time," declares the LORD.
"I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people. 34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor,
or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,'
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,"
declares the LORD.
"For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more."

I believe that the seven laws of Noah are on the heart of every human being because you don't need to tell any1 murder is wrong, idolatry is wrong, it's inside your heart!

The identity crisis we are in today is very prevelant and at one point I said I didn't believe in religion anymore but I realized this is the natural order of things in this life. So yes I am still a Born again Christian however I am not your normal Christian I am Jonathan Asher Son Of Patrick a Christian Israelite will you be one too?

What is a christian israelite you ask?

A Born again Christian who Takes up his own cross and doesn't just rely on the cross of only jesus, A christian who was baptised and cleansed and repentant from Sin. A sinner among sinner's we were doomed but somehow shown mercy and Love. A wretch saved by grace. A christian who is rejected by the Jews as Yashua was too. One who obeys
the laws of GOD except for sacrifice since Yashua was the sacrifice that ended sacrifice. We obey God's Law out of Love not out of fear of judgement or punishment because our conversion was about love, I couldn't live without God's Love and that is how I became a Christian and that is how I became an Israelite. a christian who refuses to worship jesus christ but accepts him as the messiah and the only Son of God his Holy arm a part of him and Son of a Man. One who worships the one and only GOD Yahweh Elohim praised be his name forever Amen.
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 01:13 am
This is borderline preaching... Your God and my God and their God are all different God's in the perception of man. Worship what you will but please don't preach.
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 01:05 pm

This is borderline preaching... Your God and my God and their God are all different God's in the perception of man. Worship what you will but please don't preach.

As long as I have preached the good news and preached against sin and preached for the benefit of others then I have said what was needed.
If I am preaching to you folks then I am but others have come before me preaching the good news so let that not be a shock to you.
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 04:23 pm
A Born again Christian who Takes up his own cross and doesn't just rely on the cross of only jesus, A christian who was baptised and cleansed and repentant from Sin. A sinner among sinner's we were doomed but somehow shown mercy and Love. A wretch saved by grace. A christian who is rejected by the Jews as Yashua was too. One who obeys the laws of GOD except for sacrifice since Yashua was the sacrifice that ended sacrifice.

This is your perception of what a Christian is. We were doomed because we doomed ourselves. Sacrifice is prevalent everyday.

We obey God's Law out of Love not out of fear of judgement or punishment because our conversion was about love, I couldn't live without God's Love and that is how I became a Christian and that is how I became an Israelite.

What is God's Law? So far as I can see, his law is balance. God's love is in all creation however some choose not to recognize it. We don't have to look far and wide to find the Kingdom of Heaven.

Christian is a term man has come up with to define those who are followers of Christ's teachings. However, many so-called Christians don't have a clue as to the meaning of his teachings.

A christian who refuses to worship jesus christ but accepts him as the messiah and the only Son of God his Holy arm a part of him and Son of a Man. One who worships the one and only GOD Yahweh Elohim praised be his name forever Amen.

He is the tree, we are the branches.

You've posted this in the right area, but please limit the preaching. This is not a preaching forum.

My perception of Christianity is completely different than what you've stated here and much of what Christians have been brainwashed to believe seems silly to me. It's almost like the blind leading the blind. Everyone trying to create a God or identify with a God outside of themselves when in all actuality, the Kingdom of Heaven talked about is the Kingdom of Heaven that's within the heart of every living being. The knock at the door isn't something we're waiting on, it's happening within us. If we wait for the second coming of Christ, we'll be waiting along time because the second coming of Christ is the Christ consciousness resurrected in the heart and mind of every man.

So, in my opinion, Christianity instills fear in followers. They fear that when they die they will be faced with Judgment day. So every week they must attend church to show their neighbors that they really mean business. Many of their hearts are cold yet they've created this way of living that makes them comfortable in their own minds that when they die they will go to heaven... not realizing that heaven is on earth. Heaven is all around us.

Put it this way. No matter what. No matter how many clouds may be in the sky no matter what wars are taking place today amongst men... no matter what... The sun is still going to rise and fall in perfect balance with the universe (until we screw that up too), but on cloudy days you can't see the sun unless you rise above the muck. No matter what, the sun still shines it's just a choice on how on perceives it.

Christians are all to concerned with how everyone else is supposed to live instead of starting with themselves. There are wonderful Christian men who are deacons in their churches who's personal lives and family falls apart because they are all too concerned with things they cannot control. You can only lead a horse to water, you cannot make them drink it.
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 11:43 am
Justin your concerns are certainly warranted. Okay so maybe that's just my perception of a Christian I am still learning what it means on that so it's still a work in progress. What you have to say about Christians are the Majority of Christianity. Christians do live according to moral standards given by the Church institution (Attend Church, Tithe, Pray, Read Bible) People are taught through the Church that these things get them into Heaven like you mentioned. We know this is false!

My goal used to be to deny all Religion because I was turned off by it however Justin let us remember the good in others the good in the community and relationship that the Church does provide.

I can no longer be burned by Religion just because there is alot of things I don't agree with but I realized that I can see the world for what I want to see and that is that I can make a difference in people's lives no matter where I am. I gave up on being a Christian because people didn't live out their faith they do what I call act out their faith. Yet somehow I have reclaimed my Christianity but I am not your average or full blown Christian.

Justin there is two kinds of Christians I believe maybe it will help explain if their is a contrast?

The fake or unfathiful Christian--
People who Attend Church, Tithe, Pray, Read Bible, Evangelize, but have little impact on their world outside of that and many would characterize they are conforming to the world. People who look to or rely soley on the cross. These people do what I call ACT OUT THEIR FAITH. To be more specific they do things that others might notice and win acceptance in the Christian Community and they think that their actions make them Christians when they do the activites listed above their faith is complete as they would have it. However like Jesus said these may be the people who are the ones that will call him Lord, Lord but their hearts are far from him. These are likely the Christians that fear judgements as you say. Don't get me wrong these are "Nice people" or "Good people" in the World's eyes but what about God's eyes? These people may not know how to pray because they have lost touch with their heart by doing these many things and they may have lost their passion of the Christ and have it for the Christ. However these people may very well have an honest sincere will to serve GOD. They build their house on Sand (Church) and when the storm comes they are swifted away. "Lukewarm Faith" May describe these types of people.

I strongly believe there is true christians in this world and this is more a personal view than general or popular view of what it means to be a Christian most people will give wide variances of definitions. (again this is a work in progress folks)

The True or Faithful Christian--
People who follow their heart, People who live with passion for life and ultimately GOD, People who deny themselves and take up their own cross to follow in the footsteps of Yashua. His Disciples are messangers of good news and arks of truth. People who know true freedom in Christ. They are souls set free from sin and walk in love. They demonstrate characteristics similar to that of their savior as they work to imitate his life. That are not just "Nice people" or "good people" they are "God's People" see where we get our identity? Not in ourselves or each other but in Yahweh God. Those in touch with themselves and their hearts they don't simply wander in and out they breath it all in. People who know the power of prayer. Pray is our essence of life it encompasses our every decision our blessings our pain and suffering our joy and happiness it brings us closeness in relationship to GOD when we pray we do so from the heart. People who count the cost and consider their deaths as a offering to their Savior and the Almighty. These are those who ears to hear and hearts to understand God's Word. The difference is we LIVE out our faith in Love and fruit is the result. They follow the law given by GOD which is the first five books of Moses it brings us order and grants righteouess we obey the precepts of God and not Man. The chorus of their hearts are Love we are compelled through love to obey and fear him and not his judgement.These people I believe are the present day Israelites I like to consider us CHRISTIAN ISRAELITES. These are not only the ones who understand their role but fulfill it. They study their history and remember who God's Chosen People are...the Israelites. The minority...The Light of the World...The redeemed... They know ignorance is not a solid excuse folly is not a firm footing their build their house on the Rock (Yahweh) and become strong.

Yes Justin some Christianity instills fear in it's followers but not all fear judgement as you say or even hell as the Church teaches to fear. Some Fear Yahweh God. Let's put it this way if all there is this life and death is the end for us then we have every reason to fear death and hell but if there is real Love after death then there is no reason to fear it but to die to protect it!

This my philosophy of two kinds of Christians it is by no means perfect or the rules to follow it is my spiritual understanding of to have faith and thus
walk by it and not simply profess it or act it out but to become it.

A lot have heard of the Lamb's Book of Life but has anyone heard of the Book of the Dead?

Book of the Dead--
I watched a movie called Zeitgesit movie about Religion, Money, and Castrophy. It mentioned something called the Book of the Dead. Well this intrigued me because those who made Zeitgeist movie said the Bible is just stolen stories or plagurism of the Book of the Dead. It was written by Anchient Egyptians before The Bible came to be. They meant to say the Bible was a fraud. However my belief is that Satan knowing God's Laws in Heaven attempted to defraud society by conceptualizing the Book of the Dead. It features strikingly similar laws to GOD and even says the only way to make it to the afterlife is if your heart is lighter than a feather. from wikipedia this is from the book of the dead (portion)
O Wide-of-stride who comes from On: I have not done evil.
O Flame-grasper who comes from Kheraha: I have not robbed.
O Long-nosed who comes from Khmun: I have not coveted.
O Shadow-eater who comes from the cave: I have not stolen.
O Savage-faced who comes from Rosetjau: I have not killed people... Those sound like ten commandments and I think it may very well be used to try and defraud man into disbelieving the Bible
I am welcome to hear you thoughts. One of the saddest scriptures I've read is

Proverbs 14:12

12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.

on that note....

Proverbs 12:15

15 The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.
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Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 05:30 am
Israelite007 wrote:
Greetings Folks,...en.

Another hate filled Xtian, go figure... what do you guys do, leak out of some evil black hole somewhere?
All 'you' miserable hateful Xtians sure make me want to join the club, oh yes..
Seems to me, if the fruit stinks, so does the tree!
Fortunately for the spread of your vile bile, there are many miserable hateful people, who like stinking fruit, that will be happy to join your god made in your miserable hateful image religion!.

Justin wrote:
...borderline preaching...

Borderline? Hahahahahahahaha!
Then my post above is 'borderline' passionate!
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 10:22 am
nameless wrote:
Another hate filled Xtian, go figure... what do you guys do, leak out of some evil black hole somewhere?
All 'you' miserable hateful Xtians sure make me want to join the club, oh yes..
Seems to me, if the fruit stinks, so does the tree!
Fortunately for the spread of your vile bile, there are many miserable hateful people, who like stinking fruit, that will be happy to join your god made in your miserable hateful image religion!.

Did I miss the Hate thing? That's now what I saw in these posts above at all. What I seen is something that someone has been drawn to and is excited about it.

We're all learning and we're all learning at different levels. If in fact it was about hate, then he wouldn't have spent time writing about something he feels passionate about. This doesn't constitute a hate-filled Christian.

Furthermore, why would you even make such an accusation or judgment against someone you don't even know?

The funny thing about life is we see in others what we think and feel within ourselves. So when you judge someone else, you judge yourself. That's just the way it is.

So, in closing... I see love and compassion coming from Israelite's post along with a desire to change and make a change, and/or grow. Nothing hateful is in these above posts, just confusion maybe but that's all over the world.

There's good in all things, even when there is bad. You can choose to see the evil or hateful things in your fellow man or you can choose to see the good. They stand beside each other but the choice is an individual one and it only effects he who perceives it, it doesn't effect the person you judging.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 12:32 pm

I see alot of passion on and around the topic of religion. We all have our own preceptons on this matter, and is'nt that the point of us discussing things/ that we may all rise in our understanding? Obviously what truth is to isrelite007 is not the same for Nameless. It may be that the obtruse nature of god leaves us with such diametrical rationalisms.

The key word is rationalism. Abstractions beyond the existance of creator as evidant by creation itself are a priori. Intelectual conception is the only basis for our distinctions of gods atributes. Rational implies reason and reason implies logic. Many religions somehow end up (or start) with invalid logical rationale that are widely accepted and tend to frustrate people who reject invald arguments.

Descartes outlines this rasoning about god consicely but is carefull not to slip into preaching or worship. Religion seems to establish beliefs that are vulnerable to naive realism, that is to say universal principals that are more real than objects as sensed (emperical).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 09:54 pm
Justin;7172 wrote:
Did I miss the Hate thing? That's now what I saw in these posts above at all. What I seen is something that someone has been drawn to and is excited about it.

Furthermore, why would you even make such an accusation or judgment against someone you don't even know?

So, in closing... I see love and compassion coming from Israelite's post along with a desire to change and make a change, and/or grow. Nothing hateful is in these above posts, just confusion maybe but that's all over the world.

There's good in all things, even when there is bad. You can choose to see the evil or hateful things in your fellow man or you can choose to see the good. They stand beside each other but the choice is an individual one and it only effects he who perceives it, it doesn't effect the person you judging.

I see (yet more) Jew bashing in sheeps clothing. I dont have to 'know someone' to hear their hateful racist words, and point out that observation.

And this;
If in fact it was about hate, then he wouldn't have spent time writing about something he feels passionate about. This doesn't constitute a hate-filled Christian.

...makes no sense. Hate IS a PASSION that people express all the time. Obvious, from this perspective, but, perhaps not from yours. All is fine. I just verbalized an observation; I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. See it as you must.
And, sorry, but this is just too ugly to continue to discuss. We do all have our perspectives. That was mine.
And for your edification, I didn't 'judge' anyone, I pointed out an observation. Understand the difference?
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Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 10:32 pm
OK. One can only see within others what one sees within oneself. There is nothing else.

- Peace
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Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2007 09:43 am
Nameless-may God bless your heart and heal whatever sorrow you are feeling. However I do not hate jews in fact they have helped my faith grow from being a normal christian to an enlighted one. I do not hate anyone I hate not jews I hate not you I hate not anyone So please let us stop this hate talk. I like you was simply pointing out the facts that jews have replaced their God with themselves as well as Christians have replaced him with Jesus.

My goal is to share that wisdom with whatever meaningless life this world has to offer us. the whole duty of man is to Serve God and keep his commandments and that's my purpose to uphold them even if no one will stand with me.

Justin-consider this...during Yashua's time there was different
kinds of Christians...Gentile Christians, Jewish Christians so wouldn't suffice it to say there are now?

The mistake is to say there is only kind of Christian which many people are mislead into thinking all are chosen all are forgiven when they continue to follow church teaching and not God's Laws given by the Bible.
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