Thu 27 Sep, 2007 04:37 am
According[/SIZE] Bible it was one nation in the world of God.
And this nation had a supper strong wish to rich HIM.
So they began to build the Tower of Babel.
But the Tower was destroyed cause dividing constructors on many nations and languages misunderstanding each other.
The process of creation of more and more new nations and languages had been end about 100 - 50 years ago.
The last being created new language was Hebrew - the language of Bible, that God had gave to Moshe on the
Sinai mount.
And most Abram religious people believe that it was the language of Babel Tower builders.
In the same time Hebrew has became RESURRECTED GOD LANGUAGE after 2700 years of died in REVIVED GOD HOME STATE OF ISRAEL after 2700 years of died.
Now some words about bilingual persons.
Bilinguals are sort of people that have two native languages.
It even ever doesn't mean that they can translate well from one language to another, but it does mean that they can laugh and cry on both of them.
The children of emigrants are bilinguals very often of there mother language and language of new motherland.
The children of parents from different nations are often bilingual too.
Now the main idea and proposal of this post.
The Fact of Resurrecting the Language of God, constructors of Babel Tower, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moshe, first Lord scriptural precept.
The Fact of national and confessional faith languages and cultures advantage in every nation of the world.
The Fact of returning billions of people to God and nationalism.
For because of this three facts my proposal to form from all children of God believing parents GOD LANGUAGE RESURRECTED - MOTHER (NATIONAL) LANGUAGE BILINGUALS.
It will be good if children all over the world know English.
But parents of the world have to be ABSOLUTELY SURE that there they will not become Anglo-Saxon culture and language monolinguals.
Children from all over the world have come to state of Israel resurrected to get Hebrew resurrected with goal of forming POSTMONOLINGUAL HEBREW RESURRECTED - NATIONAL LANGUAGE BILINGUAL GLOBAL WORLD.
For because God Language Resurrection in Israel the people all over the world will return to Him.
All people will become God Recreated Language - national language bilinguals.
I have a strong wish to discuss this idea with you.