I'll continue to try to make friends, and once I get a good look at the cat I'll be able to figure out more about age, health, etc. I may yet decide that it would be better for it to be taken to the humane society, and would then go for that. Right now I'm going to concentrate on providing food, water, and some sort of shelter.
The humane society didn't sound like much help before, but maybe you can ask if a cat can survive a winter there, given the conditions this little kitty has.
They seemed willing to answer questions, they just won't come and get it (him?) and seem to not accept animals without shots, though that doesn't make sense.
Definitely something to pursue now that I know the kitty's going to be hanging around.
I'm already spending too much time worrying about the little guy (I seem to think he's a he, though I have no reason to), but if I take some sort of action I'll feel better.
yes, if you set him up to your own satisfaction, you won't need to worry at all!
Oh, of course I will... cars, diseases, big mean raccoons, mean boys with bb guns...
Believe it or not, I wasn't much of a worrier before I became a mom. Now...
uhoh. How about a chicken coop with a tiny cat door?
Hee hee! I'll just do my "serenity now" mantra and let the kitten do his thing.
but do find out if he can make it through a winter. If not maybe you can get ahold of him somehow and get him into a home before he gets any more set with his feraltude.
sozobe wrote:
Meanwhile, sozlet visited E.G. at work yesterday and drew an amazing family portrait on his blackboard -- Mama, Papa, sozlet, and little black cat (now Kismet.) The cat portrait was so cool. A nice little body shape, four legs, two eyes, and a belly button.
You girls teach each other how to get what you want early, don't you?
Spay/neuter is very good. You might also want to sk your vet or some other knowledgeable profesisonal if they have any information about FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) and feline leukemia in your area. The latter is especially contagious, and can flash through a population of outdoor cats very quickly (it's spread by activities as benign as sharing a water dish). Not to worry you, but just something to be aware of. There was at least one neighborhood in Seattle where virtually all of the outdoor cats had leukemia because of a single negligent family with their own population of breeding kitties. (Makes me wonder about the couple of dead cats from the house up the street that turned up in our yard in Chicago...)
Spay/neuter? Immunizations?
Like making chicken soup - first ya gotta get a chicken.
Kinda like that Welsh Rabbit, isn't it?
We have several stray cats in my area since we have a neighbor that feeds them and they make it through the winters up here.
I just read this thread - from start to end - What a good, kind soul you are!
I do hope something can be done so Kismet has shelter & care during the cold winter. All the very best with it!
(And keep us posted.)