Kitty's visiting!
E.G. confirmed more meows this a.m. Gonna buy some kitten chow tomorrow. A little regular visitor might be a really nice compromise... E.G. gets to breathe, we wimmins get to have a kitten around.
(Will of course worry about it all the dang time, but I'll take what I can get.)
Kitten's name is Kismet.

I asked sozlet what the cat's name should be, and she said "Kiss it", which came out sort of "kisset", and I said "How about 'Kismet'?" and she said YEAH!
Meanwhile, sozlet visited E.G. at work yesterday and drew an amazing family portrait on his blackboard -- Mama, Papa, sozlet, and little black cat (now Kismet.) The cat portrait was so cool. A nice little body shape, four legs, two eyes, and a belly button.
Now I have to think of a way to keep an area warmer as it starts to get seriously cold... keeping the dryer running all the time probably isn't practical... thinking...