Thanks for your thoughts guys.
Aristoddler: I agree with you about the wording, and it is something that I am working on. Nobody ever attacks the utilitarian mathematics, they always attack the subjective presentation. I'm writing a new presentation that uses examples from history. Although this will still be subjective, it will appease those who could never recognize something new, as it is. They have to be drawn to believe it is of an academic nature. Most people can't believe that something is new, if they didn't think of it.
The purpose of the site is basically to gain a consensus of all people. The reason the site is called Civil Simian is because it takes you backward in time, before we were refined into skin color, and culture. It will be a simple majority rules website. It wont write laws in any way. It will be voluntary participation. You become a member, just by belief in the system. There is no symbolic rights ritual, or linch pin emotional cleansing moments of hysteria. It's simply a mathematical universal calculator which will bring the most popular ideals to the top, in a pyramid of ideas. Think of it as a focal point of the ideas and values of the participants, created by the participants. Ideological systems of the past have been created by people for people, then you idolize the person as a symbol. I made the name Civil Simian cheap, and humorous so it would be impossible to do this, plus the system itself is a discovery of mathematics, and a pure democracy, not polluted by law. Since it is based on math, it is my belief that idea can be the first OBJECTIVE system, while created by man, is logically understood.
Fido: I disagree with you about Democracy. There is republic style democracy, and illiberal democracy. Mine is more of a republic style democracy because it makes no extra formulas (yet) for minorities, railroaded by the majority. That is because, ultimately, after the merge of people, I believe that social dispersement of energies will mean that there will be no more minorities. You can see the energy fragmenting in this postmodern time. New minorities may arise in the future, but I really think to keep the democratic idea clean for Civil Simian, the republic style works best mathematically. I'm not putting health care, or welfare in place, so I can make decisions like those.
Democracy is somewhat flexible. You can never get everyone to agree, and democracy is not about that. Democracy is about majority. Sometimes 51%, sometimes two thirds majority. Take the vote counting out of the system, and let the people's ideals be calculated in real time.
Imagine this: Instead of having designated voting days, have the leaders completely dependent upon public opinion. Instead of electing people, and putting them into office for four years, where they get complacent and cocky in a symbolic position that seems to infect every male with elephantitis of the testacles, make the office contingent upon real time voting. You can come to a website, and change your vote on a leader, and when that leader falls below for a specified amount of time, usher in a new one, and if the people enjoy a certain great man as their leader, why should be be ushered out to put an idiot in his place after four years?
How about the Iraq war? If the people were aloud to vote on that, do you think we would be there now? And if the people don't have the ability to see the intelligence, then, let them make their own mistakes, at least they will be responsible for it. These are the ideals of what I believe true democracy is made of, and as of yet, we have had imitations of a great idea. I hope to use Civil Simian to put this purity, and "simplicity" forward.
I have the Apache server up, and I'm working on the beginnings of the PHP, and MySQL. Good luck guys.