@raven phil,
I sit back and generally read an entire thread, if I enjoy the read I might add an observation, sometimes I simply add to raise a laugh or even stir the pot. I do feel compelled here to skim the impurities off the top of the broth. I am not pointing fingers and I do apologise, should you take offence.
I enjoyed in the past, contributing to another chat forum, Argue With Everyone, but I found and please don't take what I am saying to heart, that often the same arguement or as in the case here, topic, seemed to be a polarized debate. Philosophising, is accepting the contribution of others to improve ones own observations.
Science is still the art of turning a farmers stick into a plough but as I found with the AWE, forum being a Republican meant opposing the Democratic and so on through most of the threads and their topics. Of course none of us are Plato but he incorporated out thoughts to convince us all where we were correct, so we could convince ourselves at which point we were wrong.