(thanks for the responce, give me a few and i will get back to ASAP)
It might be true that many would not believe in something or a religion, if you will, if they where not rased in a house hold of such beliefs but that would be true in any case which could be a blessing or a stumbling block, which of corse would be obvious. There are those who have be rased in, let say godly, house holds an have rebelled or rejected the beliefs of their fathers (so to speak)
"To all christian Jesus was son of God and therefore God, why is that? Can I ask why Jesus died for our sins?"
In the last verse of Luke chap. 3 it states that Adam was a son of God. And the offering of God for salvation to that status before God is the only begotten Son of God, His Word, Jesus.
"We are still sining?"
In choosing Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior we can repent of our selves that is acceptable to the Most High. Note: only Jesus has the power to be like Jesus therefore on must be born of Spirt to be sealed unto salvation. Giving us Grace from God through Jesus for all that the Most High Views Through and in His Son He sees as good, despite our short comings. That does not mean praise Jesus and I will go do what ever, for if that were so, then the Holy Spirt is not in you.
So this means he died for sins of people in that era right?"
He (Jesus) died for all mankind from Adam to the last one to be born of flesh. Those who kept faith and proclaimed salvation to come and those who kept faith and proclaim He came (in short mind you). In Him is the restoration of all man unto the Most High. Thus worshiping in Truth and Spirit (Holy Spirt) not in activities for the approval of man. He replaces Adam in that first we are born of Adam but Adam fell short and lost that which God had given Him but for the redemption of man God gave His Word in the flesh to walk perfect reclaiming that which God gave to man. Born of flesh we receive the reward of Adam for we are born of Adam. But now in the new man Jesus we can be born of Spirit the Spirit of the Almighty and be restored not only to the former but also the Kingdom of God. This is don't in God's Mercy, as in for He so Loved the world.
Should you become so inclined, when you get a chance read the Gospel according to John and before you read ask the Living God of Abraham (which I presume you are familiar with) to reveal His Truth to you. Man is made by the Most High to hear His Voice and Behold that which He has given man. Restoration unto Him through His Son Jesus the Christ.
Hope that these answers helped.