@de Silentio,
de Silentio wrote:Not to be the person who corrects people, but a Theodicy is an answer to the problem of evil, not the problem of evil itself. I never used the term 'real logic'. I merely said it wasn't good logic, formal or informal. You blindly made some statements about evil and God, and quoted some statements. Logic is logic: All A are B, All B are C, Therefore All A are C. You could have also used informal logic, but I don't think your claim was adequately supported by your evidence
It's easy to use logic in somecases and in somecases not. I know that nomather what I say you're only gonna say something about superpowers and stuff like that and that's why my claim can't be wrong or simply ignore it as you did with the starving kids... But you might say that it's stupid and doesn't prove anything but I would still like to know if YOU have any scenario where children starving to death do any good for anything?
[quote=de Silentio]Furthermore, you make gross generalizations about what Christians think[/quote]
Well, yeah I do. Simply because I've talked and debated this subject with lots of christians, both over internett and in person and I seem to get pretty much the same answers every single time so there has to be a connection, don't you think?
[quote=de Silentio]and claim that they tailor what the Bible says to support their arguments, which is exactly what you would do with your 'arguments straight from the bible' that would make Christianity collapse. You defeat yourself.[/quote]
No I don't really, I belive that you have to interpet the bible litterarly if you're gonna read it at all since I can't belive that anybody who wrote those stories would want you to take it as representation and hidden messages as it would then only direct itself to the people who are clever egnouth to understand it, while the less clever people wouldn't understand the deeper meaning and they directed it to 'all of god's children'.
If you stop assuming that there's a life after this one, god exsists, we have a soul, heaven and hell is real and all that supernatural then think out atleast one reason to belive in it, if the bible didn't exsist, what would that argument be? I've asked several of my christian firends this and haven't gotten a real answer yet, but maybe you can give me one?
[quote=de Silentio]You asked me to give you logical evidence that God exist, why is the burden of proof on me? I asked you to give me logical reasons to why God doesn't exist.[/quote]
Sigmund Freud also said that it where up the the belivers to prove gods exsistens not the other way around
It's very hard to prove that something doesn't exsist, while it's normally easy to prove that something DOES exsists, except when it comes to god apparently. I can claim that unicorns does exsist but they haven't been cought or seen yet because they have only showed themselves to a few people and them make some firend claim that they've also seen one and then say that it's up to you to prove that they doesn't exsist. How would you do that? While it's easy for me to prove that something does exsist as wood, stone, a animal, a person and so on.. Even things you can't see like different gases or such because they all have different effects on different things. While god, haven't been proven by any means yet and why do you think that is unless it's impossible because he isn't real?
[quote=de Silentio]Your irrateness gives no credence to your argument, and frankly it makes you look stupid. Please don't use profane language, it is unnecessary. I put together some arguments against your claims, but find that it is fruitless to argue with someone who so plainly has prejudices against what others say. If you would like my arguments, I will give them to you.[/quote]
Yeah I'm sorry, I've allready been warned by Justin.. Sorry..
And of course I would love to hear your arguments
[quote=de Silentio]As for the problem of evil, there are plenty of Theodicies that solve the problem. I am not intelligent enough to formulate them myself, so I won't begin to act like I did, but there is a particularly good article that Alvin Plantiga made.[/quote]
I'll see if I can find it then
But just to be clear, atleast in my religions course I'm taking right now our teacher told us that Theodicie where a problem and couldn't really be answerd to the favour of god.
[quote=de Silentio]Why is my argument crap? Yet again, nothing you said against my argument relates to my argument, it relates to others arguments that you are using to generalize what I think.[/quote]
Well somehow when you talk about something that would be beyond our knowledge and understanding it's hard to argue against it.. While it's also hard to argue for it since it doesn't matter what anybody says because it's beyond our understanding right? Nobody can have right in that argument because we can't even understand what it is we are argueing about because we can't understand "the plan" right? So it's a impossible to come to any conclusion because it's beyond our understanding...
That's a type of logic I wouldn't like to call logic...Because you can't make any argument for it either..
[quote=de Silentio]And by the way, since you claim that Christians have no Facts that God does exist, please give me some Facts that he doesn't exist.[/quote]
As I said it's hard to prove that something doesn't exsist.. I can compare it to proving that something never happend in a court, and luckily, most lawsystems puts the weight on the accuser to lay out the proof instead of the other way around.. And that's the way you have see this debate to, It's gonna be hard for me to prove that something that doesn't exsist doesn't exsist, while it should be easy to prove that something that exsists exsists...
- I could bang on the bible but then you would probably just say something like "the bible is nothing more then a attempt to define god, but you can't define anything that's everything" or something like that atleast...
- But ofcourse I could also say that dinosaurs exsisted for longer ago then the bible claim that the earth was created, and then you would just say either the same argument as I just said that you probably would use about the bible or that he created them to and then killed them off because there wasn't a inteligent creature among them or something like that..
- Or I could say that there's proof of the evolution and then you would say that it doesn't matter because god created the creatures anyways..
- Or I could say that there's evil in the world and no loving god would allow that for his creatures but still, I've done that allready...
- Or i could ask you how you know that the christian god is the real one? Why can't it be buddah or some older one like Ra, Zeus or Oden?
- Or I could say that if there was a god, wouldn't he anounce his presence somehow to give people atleast a reason to belive in him?