Wed 5 Nov, 2003 11:34 pm
I can't figure this out can you?
Ted is a world traveller. This summer, however, he decided to see the good old U.S.A.
On his vacation he went to the northernmost, southermost, easternmost and westernmost points in the U.S. (not necessarily in that order).
He did it without ever crossing a landborder between states and only leaving U.S. controlled territory once.
How did he do it?
I'd have to look at a map, but I think Alaska covers North, West, East (? Does the international dateline go through the Alutians?)
If not, then Florida, which also has South?
He travels from Alaska (I'm sure it's Alaska!) to either Florida or Hawaii by boat.
I know how he did it, I'm just rusty on where.
Its Hawaii and Alaska.
Hawaii is S
Alaska is N W and E (little Diomede touches the int date line0
I think this is correct, its been a bar bet topic for years
On the forum where I saw this riddle the answer you give has been tried by a forum member but two weeks later it is still listed as unsolved??
hmmm, now I gotta get the Nat Geographic Atlas from under the coffee table. My wife is drying ginko leaves between the pages
The north and west points are both in Alaska so start there. Then drive through Canada to Maine for the eastern point. Then get on a boat to Florida and make sure you stay inside U.S. controlled territory, (i.e close to the shore).
Adrian, florida isn't the most southern state, Hawaii is.
Oops! Should have looked at a map BEFORE posting.
OK second guess.
If you are take east and west as being measured from the greewich meridian and not from the middle of the USA then Alaska is the most east AND the most west. So east, west and north are all in Alaska. Then all you have to do is go to Hawaii. Does that make any sense?
Adrian, If you scroll up to sealpoet's comment, it was the same as you just made, problem is this solution was put forward two or three weeks ago and the riddle is still in the unsolved column??
kev-I checked the stlas and we are correct. alaska is EN and W, Hawaii is S. The puzzle column, like many things on the web, doesnt always assure accuracy. What is the uRL?
Here it is farmerman, click on riddles, then "summer vacation"
I see that there is a consensus building that "fatboy" is incorrect and that our answer was the right one. i cant see it any other way unless there is some trick in the question weve not caught.
Just to give you closure, this is the official answer.
Ted lives in Alaska. He started is trip by taking a dogsled to the northernmost point in his home state (the northernmost point in the US). He then dogsledded to the nearest airpost where he hopped a charter plane out to the Aleution Islands where he landed on the islands just to the east and west of the 180th meridian (the western and easternmost points in the (US). Then he fueled up the charter and headed for Hawaii (this is the only time he left US territory). Where he went to he southernmost Island and the southernmost point in the US.