Arjuna;85684 wrote: Touche. You're talking sense. Good sense seemed to be in short supply during the Cold War. It haunted my adolescent thoughts that people said that every military technology had been used to its fullest. They asked: what would make us think nuclear weopons would be different? It seemed to many people that the real threat to our well-being was our nature... and as I recall there was wide-spread pessimism. It seemed that the challenge before us was to change our nature. I could digress for a while about what happened next, but long story short: I think we came to the conclusion that war is not our basic nature. It may have been the preferred mode of conflict resolution in the past, but it's time let that mode go and find another one... some sort of UN type arrangement. Obviously, we're still striving along those lines.
Thank you Arjuna for your kind response. Yes we need a "United Nations" for, IMO, the one we have is "not" united simply because they are competing with one another economically, intellectually, technologically, socially, ethnically, morally, linguistically, etc., what can be conceived, to obtain more control not only as it relates to their own nations resources (human, natural, and renewable) to supply the energy to sustain them that is determined by "costs", but those of other nations as well. As we evaluate everything based on it's afford-ability in determining our action to "do" or "not do", each and every nation has to consider "at what costs" they must pay as they argue what has "value and what doesn't" often leading to the disposal of their most valuable resource, the human being itself and that is what wars are made of. It all "boils" down to costs, to be perfectly "blunt". What we call a "united nations" is not; it is a house in which nations gather to "argue and debate" that causes "friction" that creates heat and discontinuity of purpose the can lead to hell giving definition to the phrase "war is hell".
Arjuna;85684 wrote: Are you saying that you don't believe humans are animals?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any attempt to equate the human being to that of an animal I find personally appalling. Again, yes there are physiological similarities, but that is where the distinction ends. Period. Again, yes as we observe those behaviors "of man" to be indeed "animalistic", I have long concluded those are the "consequences" of man's effort to survive as he rebels to the control his fellow man tries to "impose". It is by no means a genetic characteristic, by any interpretation. The notion that we are "animal" gives license that justifies man to be a "predator" as those who are such rationalize "only the strong survive"! How so very "warlike". When treated like an animal, man will most definitely, if able, sink his teeth into you. Does that mean he is animal? No! He is just force to act like one in order to survive. Can it be defined as sub-human? My answer is yes; for we have not truly realized what it is to be human, yet and the potential we are indeed capable of. We have only scratched te surface and we can only hope in our scratching we don't gouge a hole in which we will all fall through. Hmmm? There is "some" mythological evidence that has happened before and if we are not "careful" it will happen again, and again and again until we eventually get it "right". Nietzsche went nuts trying to figure that out as Vico had it nailed as did Epicurus long ago, as always IMhumblebuthonestO. (Sorry, ttm, if you are per chance reading this; I couldn't resist, Ha! Please receive this with the humor in which it was sent, thanks.)
Arjuna;85684 wrote: Humans want government. Otherwise, it wouldn't exist. We want it because we know that the greatest expression of our potential can only take place in the context of government.
Humans "want" government"? Are you so very sure about that? Pardon me, but I am of a "different nature". To illustrate this, let us observe the word "govern" itself and it definitions:
- To make and administer the public policy and affairs of; exercise sovereign authority in.
- To control the speed or magnitude of; regulate.
- To control the actions or behavior of.
- To keep under control; restrain.
- To exercise a deciding or determining influence on.
Now let's observe the antonyms:
acquiesce, allow, consent, give way, permit
IMO, the word "government" creates conflict itself. In our great constitution, it was made mention "the consent of the governed". To br very realistic "how" can a people offer knowledgeable consent to those who effort to control/govern/make/force/command rule "over" them, huh?
As an effort to "restrain" them? Hmmm? Do you or anyone else desire to be "restrained"? I don't think so, or at least "I" don't, personally. I would much rather address those antonyms more. Ah, but "costs" do get in the way, don't they, hmmm?
Now let's look at one alternative to "government": Leadership.
- The position of a leader: ascended to leadership.
- Wisdom to lead: showed strong wisdom in decision making pertaining to the whole.
- A group of leaders: Unified Global consortium of the wise and knowledgeable.
- Guidance; direction: The world prospered under the wise leadership of the consortium maintaining global harmony.
Now if you will forgive me, I change those definitions a little from their original texts I gathered at Answers.com. which gives them a new meaning IMO. The only way affective leadership can be established is when "costs" are NOT a part of those equations; at least as it is defined by the chaos of the economic structure we now have in place. A new one MUST be established that is not based of objective value or rarity. This is a very important matter that MUST be discussed in all forums, consisting of all people as to what is truly valuable in all their lives. Only those who are "profiting" from this current, insane, economic structure will offer protest and of course their "slaves", IMO. Let the masters beware, IMO. of their impose "animalistic" nature, and the numbers they represent. Hmmm?
Arjuna;85684 wrote: The only society that hasn't been corrupted by the agendas of short-sighted, malignant, soulless liars is an imaginary one.
Ah, how so very blunt you are here, and I might add, correct. What is the imagination, exactly as we ponder the phrase, "what a man can conceive, if believed, can be achieved"! Makes you wonder, doesn't it. Perhaps this reality is a "self-fulfilling prophecy" giving credence to "what goes around, come around" huh? Perhaps it is time we 'imagined a new reality" and there is some measure of truth in wishes do come true as we wish upon a star. Please forgive my reverie, for I am a hopeless dreamer but not a beautiful one, I might add, Ha.
Arjuna;85684 wrote: This is why every human, even a slave, has the natural right to defy his government (according to Marcus Aurelius.)
Thank you my friend for that quote from a very wise man who was all to aware of his human frailties even as a god as some declared him to be. A position he felt very uncomfortable with, IMO. An Emperor who was human, but indeed very, very alone. A man who could have literally everything on the perceived Earth at that time if he so chose. Your mentioning of this man and his philosophy, I think is very timely concerning the nature of this thread as this short
clip illustrates from the "virtual university"
Arjuna;85684 wrote: This is civil rights. I still maintain that conflict leads to unity... and I also appreciated the quotes about the inevitable disintegration of human society... the one that most matches my outlook is the one that said every society is manure for the next.
Arjuna, we can only hope to lessen those conflicts for I shutter to think of what the manure of this time will offer to our posterity for I do believe that some contributions and those who espouse them to those that follow are indeed 'full of sh*t'. Please forgive me my vulgar humor here, Ha!