Quote:I suppose if following a given spiritual displine increases ones compassion that says a lot in its favour, but I don't believe it necessary to buy into a host of absurd statement about the supernatural. I guess we are in disagreement about the basic nature of man, it is this nature that created all the religions to begin with and to my way to thinking, compassion is innate.
You're right - one does not have to accept absurd spiritual claims in order to cultivate compassion. I would argue that absurd spiritual notions will only distract a spiritual practitioner from cultivating compassion.
Compassion is natural to man, but generally in very limited amounts. You have even argued that all human action is selfish, that is, not compassionate. Most human action is selfish. Compassion, like any other good habit, is something that needs to be practiced. For example, music is innate to man, but to be a decent musician you have to practice.
Quote:personally I get more of a spiritual feeling from looking at the Milkyway on a dark country night then I could from any cathedral. With wonder like this comes the feeling of the sublime.
Me too. I've seen beautiful cathedrals all over my own country and in Europe, but none can compare to the beauty of nature. At least in my eyes.