boagie wrote:Sexual selection is the female function,why is it not talked about in polite company,better still why is it denied with a passion,by a great many,I would say the majority of people.What purpose does the denial serve? Any insights would be appreciated.
I've always agreed with the premise here. Biologically we're very much indistinguishable from species where females are sought by the males (based on aspects of fecundity, mainly); the female chooses from her pick. Life goes on. Why this isn't more openly acknowledged (and extolled! as I think it should be) comes back two issues: 1) The
psychological complexity of the human animal -and- 2) Inculcated
Cultural and/or Religious mindsets that try to "remove" the animal, from Human Animal.
Psychologically: Development of intelligence (self-awareness, sentience, sapience) brings forth a species that modifies its own behavior. It's awareness of self and ego mitigates, exaggerates and suppresses natural inclinations based on intellectual or emotional aspects. I believe had we only our drives/instincts to guide us, and not intelligence, conscious will and emotions, the natural sexual dominance innate to the female would be more prevalent. By the way, I see what we are - in this way - as neither good nor bad, only that "it is".
Culture and Religion: Given our nature as social beings (cooperatives, whereas the one finds it exceedingly difficult to survive and thrive not in numbers) cultural views based on that culture's values, and religious taboos/mores play, also, a huge part in supressing (and even denying) the drives of the natural animal. This, too, is neither good nor bad but simply "is". I don't like it, but it strikes me as a natural permutation.
Another note here are economical and practical considerations - all these bring influences to bear on us that color our perceptions of what sexual is and what should take place. I've read a lot on the various matriarchies that various cultures (past and present) exercise, and it's always struck me as very 'natural' when females take their place as 'judges' in the selection process. We, too, judge, but that's a different side of the same coin.
Neat topic and great tickler.